Forum Discussion

golriz_javadi's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Admin review set participants


I am trying to use command line "ccollab admin review set-participants" but whatever I used I got an error "JSON API Error: Invalid User". I am trying to set multiple participants as reviewer and one participants as author. The first problem is how can I pass the name and last name for a user? I passed just a name and it gave an invalid user.


I tried all below cases:

ccollab admin review set-participants 98484 --participant reviewer=Albert
Connecting to server at
Connected to Collaborator Enterprise v12.4.12400
Connected as: admin (admin).
ERROR: Executing command `ccollab admin review set-participants`:

JSON API Error: Invalid User Albert (Code: InvalidUser )
[svc-codecollaborator@ccollabval ~]$ ccollab admin review set-participants 98484 --participant author="Benjamin Hill" --participant reviewer="Albert Han"
Connecting to server at
Connected to Collaborator Enterprise v12.4.12400
Connected as: admin (admin).
ERROR: Executing command `ccollab admin review set-participants`:

JSON API Error: Invalid User Benjamin Hill (Code: InvalidUser )


[svc-codecollaborator@ccollabval ~]$ ccollab admin review set-participants 98484 --participant author=Benjamin Hill --participant reviewer=Albert Han --participant reviewer=AB
ERROR: Executing command `ccollab admin review set-participants`:
Invalid value for participant.  Could not convert '[author=Benjamin, Hill, reviewer=Albert, Han, reviewer=AB]' to a IParticipantRef[]: Could not parse participant.  Expected 'role=user'
[svc-codecollaborator@ccollabval ~]$
[svc-codecollaborator@ccollabval ~]$ ccollab admin review set-participants 98484 --pool-participant author=80082940
Connecting to server at
Connected to Collaborator Enterprise v12.4.12400
Connected as: admin (admin).
ERROR: Executing command `ccollab admin review set-participants`:

JSON API Error: Invalid Group 80082940 (Code: InvalidGroup )
[svc-codecollaborator@ccollabval ~]$

Please advice how can I use this command for the latest code collaborator version?

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