Forum Discussion

mazhar555's avatar
14 years ago

LoadComplete Vs Test Complete


From last 3 days i am using Demo Version( of LoadComplete. I have selected 2 scenario's from my application, recorded these scenario's in TestComplete and LoadComplete and have following results after execution

LoadCompleted Crashed - 2 times for each scenario

TestComplete Crashed - No

LoadComplete Hanged during Report Generation - several times

TestComplete Hanged during Report Generation - None

LoadComplete execution time for Scenario 1 with 50 VU = 10m

TestComplete execution time for Scenario  1 with 50 VU = 5m

LoadComplete execution time for Scenario2 with 50 VU = 27m

TestComplete execution time for Scenario  2 with 50 VU = 5m

I have provided Server Credentials to LoadComplete and TestComplete - Credentials not accepted by LoadComplete still giving me the same warning message, but these credentials were accepted by TestComplete.

New reports are good but what if i want to generate the same report as i have in TestComplete?


Muhammad Mazhar Mahmood
  • AlexeyKryuchkov's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Muhammad,

    LoadCompleted Crashed - 2 times for each scenario

    TestComplete Crashed - No

    Did LoadComplete show its dumper window when it crashed? If it did, there should be dmp files in the "C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\SmartBear\LoadComplete\1.0\Logs\" (in Windows Vista or later) or "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\SmartBear\LoadComplete\1.0\Logs\" (in other versions of Windows) folder. Please send us the files whose filename corresponds to the date and time of the crashes - we'll analyze them.

    If LoadComplete didn't show its dumper window, please collect some additional information about the issue in the following way:

    1. Download AQtime Standard, which is our free profiling tool.

    2. Install the tool and run it.

    3. Select the 'File | New Project From Module...' main menu item.

    4. In the Open File dialog, select the "<Program Files>\SmartBear\LoadComplete\Bin\LoadComplete.exe" file and click Open.

    5. Take a look at the AQtime toolbar - there is a combo box. Open it and select the "Tracing | Exception Trace Profiler" item.

    6. Select the "Options | Options..." main menu command - the Options dialog will appear.

    7. Set the "Profiling Time | Event View | General | Exceptions | Depth shown" setting to 100 and click OK.

    8. Click the Run toolbar button (the green arrow) or press F5 to start profiling.

    9. AQtime will start LoadComplete and trace all the exceptions that will occur in the application until it is closed.

    10. Reproduce the problem in LoadComplete.

    11. After the problem occurs, right-click somewhere within the Event View panel (it is opened by default at the bottom of AQtime's window) and select the 'Save All...' item.

    12. Save the panel's contents to an HTML file and send me the file via our [url=]Contact Support form[/url].

    LoadComplete Hanged during Report Generation - several times

    TestComplete Hanged during Report Generation - None

    Please collect additional information on the issue in the following way:

    1. Download the Debugging Tools for Windows package and install it.

    2. Create the "C:\dumps" folder.

    3. Run "C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe" (on 32-bit versions of Windows) or "C:\Program Files (x86)\Debugging Tools for Windows (x86)\windbg.exe" (on 64-bit versions of Windows) as Administrator.

    4. Choose WinDbg's "File | Open Executable..." main menu item and choose the tested application's executable in the dialog that appears.

    5. Choose No in the dialog that suggests saving information for the workspace. After that, WinDbg will start LoadComplete and trace the exceptions that occur in it.

    5. Execute the following command in WinDbg's Command window:

    gn; .dump /m /u C:\dumps\.dmp; z(1>0)

    WinDbg will automatically create memory dumps when exceptions occur.

    6. When LoadComplete hangs, click Break (or press "Ctrl + Break"). WinDbg will immediately create a memory dump for the break instruction exception.

    7. Wait for a minute and repeat step 6.

    8. Click somewhere within the Command window to select it and save its contents to "C:\dumps\output.txt" files by choosing the "Edit | Write Window Text to File..." main menu item and specifying this file in the dialog that appears.

    9. Pack the "C:\dumps" folder and send us the archive using the [url=]Contact Support form[/url].

    LoadComplete execution time for Scenario 1 with 50 VU = 10m

    TestComplete execution time for Scenario  1 with 50 VU = 5m

    LoadComplete execution time for Scenario2 with 50 VU = 27m

    TestComplete execution time for Scenario  2 with 50 VU = 5m

    Pack the folders containing your TestComplete project suite and LoadComplete test project along with execution logs that demonstrate the difference and send us the archives using our Contact Support form. We'll try to determine the cause of such a difference.

    I have provided Server Credentials to LoadComplete and TestComplete - Credentials not accepted by LoadComplete still giving me the same warning message, but these credentials were accepted by TestComplete.

    Again, we'll need both the TestComplete project suite and the LoadComplete test project along with execution logs that will demonstrate the difference - please send them to us using our Contact Support form.

    New reports are good but what if i want to generate the same report as i have in TestComplete?

    There's no way to do this. If you think that test results generated by LoadComplete lack some crucial information, please let us know - describe the information you need and why it is needed.

    BTW, if you need personal assistance, you can submit separate support cases using our Contact Support form. Also, please create an individual ticket for each request - this will help us track queries in a better way.
  • Thanks!

    I have logged an issue. Issue# M0090287


    Muhammad Mazhar Mahmood
  • AlexeyKryuchkov's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Everyone!

    To those who face similar issues when using LoadComplete:

    We have investigated the issues reported in this thread, and now, we can share our results.

    LoadCompleted Crashed - 2 times for each scenario

    TestComplete Crashed - No

    We have been given crash dumps and steps to reproduce the issue and created a fix for it.

    If you face crashes, please follow the instructions from my previous post.

    LoadComplete execution time for Scenario 1 with 50 VU = 10m

    TestComplete execution time for Scenario  1 with 50 VU = 5m

    LoadComplete execution time for Scenario2 with 50 VU = 27m

    TestComplete execution time for Scenario  2 with 50 VU = 5m

    We've analyzed Muhammad's TestComplete tasks and LoadComplete scenarios and found out that they are different. The reason for the difference was that the browser's cache had been cleared before recording the LoadComplete scenario, while TestComplete's task was recorded without doing this. Thus, all virtual users simulated by TestComplete didn't have to download the content in some cases, so the total execution time was much shorter.

    I have provided Server Credentials to LoadComplete and TestComplete - Credentials not accepted by LoadComplete still giving me the same warning message, but these credentials were accepted by TestComplete.

    We've found out that the reason for the confusion was the 'Unable to find credentials for the "" domain and the "" host' message in LoadComplete's execution log - this message doesn't clearly explain how to specify the needed credentials.

    So, if you get this message, you need to add an entry which will have blank Domain and Server fields values along with the needed values in the Login and Password fields, to the Authentication Information table. We are going to make this message more informative in the future.

    New reports are good but what if i want to generate the same report as i have in TestComplete?

    We've found out that although LoadComplete has a more detailed report than that of TestComplete's log, the report doesn't have some average values. We've added appropriate suggestions to our DB.

    If someone has other LoadComplete reports improvement ideas, please don't hesitate to share them with us!
  • vls1210's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Team,

      I wrote the below code to compare 2 pdf files which are different. I got the output in test log as both the files are not same. Now, I am unable view the extra information in additional information panel of test log. Its blank and there is no details link also. Kindly see the attachment for the same.

    Sub test()

    Dim file1, file2

    file1 = "file1_Baseline.pdf"

    file2 = "file2_Target.pdf"

    If Not Files.Compare(file1,file2,0,true) Then

     Log.warning("Files are different")

    End if

    end sub

    ALso guide me to write code to fetch the differences between both the files.


  • AlexeyKryuchkov's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi vls,

    First of all, this thread is not related to TestComplete since it is related to another product, LoadComplete. Thus, please create a separate thread here.

    As for the absence of additional information, what additional information do you need? Did you see different behavior in an older version of TestComplete?