Forum Discussion

Qubasi's avatar
Occasional Visitor
3 years ago

The expected URL change was not detected


I am running a load test against our public web application and tried different numbers of virtual users for load testing (2500 then 1000 then 500 then 250) and the error that keeps showing as follow:

The expected URL change was not detected.

as per documentations the error occurs if the expected URL was not opened during the test run.

Possible reasons:

  • The server was not available.
  • There is a bug in the tested application.
  • A wrong URL was specified.
  • You have an internal application, and you tried to play back your test while your proxy was disconnected.
  • Poor server performance. Consider using a high-capacity serve


how can I identify the root cause of the issue ? and is it a serious error ? 

  • Hi Qubasi,


    I see that you have also submitted a support ticket regarding this issue. This is good as we will be able to provide you with more details on this issue in the support ticket.


    The errors you are encountering can have multiple sources, as described in the documentation. The problem is that the script takes longer to playback under load - which is expected since you are testing an application with multiple VUs - and it crashes. This means that the page was not ready when the VU tried to proceed to execute the script, and the expected URL change did not happen. 


    The easiest way to avoid these errors is to use validations - check out more in our documentation. With validations, you can make the VU wait until the page is ready before continuing to execute the script. 


    We will provide you with a more detailed response to the ticket you submitted. 



2 Replies

  • Hi Qubasi,


    I see that you have also submitted a support ticket regarding this issue. This is good as we will be able to provide you with more details on this issue in the support ticket.


    The errors you are encountering can have multiple sources, as described in the documentation. The problem is that the script takes longer to playback under load - which is expected since you are testing an application with multiple VUs - and it crashes. This means that the page was not ready when the VU tried to proceed to execute the script, and the expected URL change did not happen. 


    The easiest way to avoid these errors is to use validations - check out more in our documentation. With validations, you can make the VU wait until the page is ready before continuing to execute the script. 


    We will provide you with a more detailed response to the ticket you submitted. 



    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Hi Qubasi, just wanted to let you know that you replied straight to the email notification - please copy your replies to the community thread as they didn't reach the forum. Thank you.