6 years agoOccasional Contributor
Dynamically set JMS Properties from groovy code
Can you please tell me if there is any way to set JMS Property from groovy code?
I tried different ways to find a solution but unfortunately, nothing is working.
I can't use for example something like this ${#TestCase#PROPERTY_NAME}, because the number of JMS properties might be different like also names of properties.
Can you please help me with this topic?
Ok. Try to put below code in SubmitListener.beforeSubmit
import com.eviware.soapui.config.JMSPropertyConfig //Assign your data from datasource into map below - have your logic; otherwise try with fixed data def map = [a: 'one', b:'two'] if ('JMSRequestReply' == { def existingProperties = submit.request.getJMSPropertiesConfig().getJMSProperties() def newList = new ArrayList<JMSPropertyConfig>() map.each { key, value -> def jmsPropertyConfig = JMSPropertyConfig.Factory.newInstance() jmsPropertyConfig.setName(key) jmsPropertyConfig.setValue(value) newList.add(jmsPropertyConfig) } existingProperties.clear() existingProperties.addAll(newList) }