Forum Discussion

Gurbakhsish's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

How to customise JUnit html report to include request and response for failed cases

I have around 2500+ test cases organised under 40 testsuites, which are running via cli by Jenkins and default JUnit style report is hosted at a url. Sometimes, it is pretty difficult to look at the assertion fails and learn about the error. So, I am planning to include request and response in the report for the failing test cases. I know, there are quite a few documents available, but are not easy to understand. Anyone with a simpler and swift solution? Currently, the default report gives, Name, Status, Type and Time columns for failed test cases, I just need the same format, but Name, Status, Type, Request, Response and Time.

  • Hi there,


    There is a setting on the Ready! API preferences that will allow you to show the failed requests and responses in the Printable Reports and also the JUNIT reports. Please see the screenshot attached.


    Hope this helps with your requirements.



    Laura Kennedy
