Forum Discussion

garymags's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

how to use a variable from a groovy script in the resource patch


I found a knowledgebase article that explained how I can use a groovy script step in a testcase to generate a random uuid:


// Generating a random variable value.
def uuid = UUID.randomUUID()

// Logging the variable. uuid


So I did that and when I run that particular script in my test case, I see a UUID is being generated properly.


What I would like is to be able to use this output which is stored in a variable called uuid in my next step which is a REST request.  I need to pass the value of the variable in my resource path.  How can that be done?





  • garymags :


    Name in bold should be same as the name of your properties test step:




    correct it and you are good to go 🙂

  • garymags : You can store the value in custom Properties as below 2 ways with in same groovy step :


    1. by adding Properties step in your test case and storing the value in properties step by following code:


    and then in your rest test step you can use : context.expand('${Properties#uuid}') 


    2. by storing value in test case custom properties by following code:


    and then in your rest test step you can use : context.expand('${#TestCase#uuid}')



    • garymags's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      HimanshuTayal Hi Himanshu, thank you for your reply.


      Sorry but I'm really new to Ready API so I was hoping you can confirm if I am doing this correctly.  I provided screenshoots of my testcase.  Can you tell me what I am doing wrong?  I am trying to follow your first recommendation.



      • HimanshuTayal's avatar
        Community Hero

        garymags :


        Refer attached screenshot how this should looks like,



        On rest request part, your attached image in not getting open, please re-attach it or simple use below syntax where you want to use uuid




  • garymags's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    HimanshuTayal Hi, thank you so much for all your help.  It is greatly appreciated.


    It looks like the problem is the last line of the groovy script.  I can run the groovy script separately and it generates a uuid.  However, it has a problem when it gets to the last line of the script.  I followed exactly what you had recommended to put in the groovy script but I'm still getting the error.


    An error appears saying:

    java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method setPropertyValue() on null object error at line: 7



    // Generating a random variable value.
    def uuid = UUID.randomUUID()


    // Logging the variable. uuid



    • HimanshuTayal's avatar
      Community Hero

      garymags :


      Name in bold should be same as the name of your properties test step:




      correct it and you are good to go 🙂

  • This works really well for us. Thanks for addressing this topic. I was looking for the information regarding the same. Keep sharing the info dqfanfeedback, kudos.