Forum Discussion

ramaG's avatar
4 years ago

Is there any encryption method available for credentials(UID/PWD) not to show in ReadyAPI Tests


1. Is there any encryption method available for credentials(UID/PWD) not to show in ReadyAPI Tests ?


2. Also, how can we store credentials securily when running ReadyAPI Test cases in Jenkins.(CI/CD)?


For Ex: We have a service with Basic auth SOAP service. We do not want the credentials(UID/PWD) to show in clear text in the project xml.(currently the Project xml shows the credentials in clear text)


Appreciate any help.

Thank you!



5 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Not sure about encryption.
    Where (in which step) are you using credentials? In request? In custom properties?
    How do you execute the tests ? command line or from UI?

    You can use custom properties (if not already) and pass the actual values from command line or from a property fie.
    • ramaG's avatar

      Thanks for the reply.


      These credentials are for Basic Authorization userID and Password to access the service.


      We execute from UI and command line. Also these need to be executed in Jenkins pipe line too.


      Currently the SOAP XML shows credentials in clear text. For security purpose we don't want authorization credentials to show in the xml. 

      In the automation,  Can we store and pass these credentials while running the tests.

      We are looking if there is any feature to encrypt these UserID/password in our automation.




      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Not sure if you have gone thru the details.
        Use property file to load the data and keep it with the respected user only. When you test it, load the properties and use.

        For jenkins, you may created a separate user for the same if possible.
        I believe that there is no encryption to save password. Just the tool will mask the password field, and shows in xml at the moment.