Forum Discussion

Nmenon81's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

JSON (REST) to JDBC resultset comparison

I want to compare all the elements of a JSON REST response to corresponding elements in the JDBC resultset. I have a working solution when I need to compare specific tag values but now I have a large nested REST response which I want to compare with corresnponding JDBC resultset. My JDBC response has all the values corresponding to the tags in teh REST response. I dont want to pick and choose the values that I want to compare because I want to look at all the tags returned by the JSOn response.


Sample JDBC and JSON response attached

  • Something like this?


    new XmlSlurper().parseText(<JDBC_TEXT>).ResultSet.Row.children().each { it->
    	def key	="_", "")
    	def value	= it.text()
    	def foundElements = []
    	for(s in <JSON_TEXT>.findAll( /"[\w]+" : "?[\w.-]{0,}"?/ )) {
    		jsonkey   = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[0].trim()
    		jsonvalue = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[1].trim()
    		if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(jsonkey)) {
    	if(foundElements.size > 0) { "for [key=${key}] ${foundElements.size} elements were found ${foundElements}"	
    	} else {
    		log.error "for [key=${key}] no elements were found"

    Result will look like this:

    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:for [key=uvwaiverfee] 1 elements were found ["UvWaiverFee" : ""]
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:for [key=uvwaivercalc] 1 elements were found ["UvWaiverCalc" : ""]
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:for [key=uvfillerlock] 1 elements were found ["UvFillerLock" : ""]
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:ERROR:for [key=pbenupdcount] no elements were found
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:ERROR:for [key=pbenkey0] no elements were found
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:ERROR:for [key=rowcolumn] no elements were found
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:done

8 Replies

  • Something like this?


    new XmlSlurper().parseText(<JDBC_TEXT>).ResultSet.Row.children().each { it->
    	def key	="_", "")
    	def value	= it.text()
    	def foundElements = []
    	for(s in <JSON_TEXT>.findAll( /"[\w]+" : "?[\w.-]{0,}"?/ )) {
    		jsonkey   = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[0].trim()
    		jsonvalue = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[1].trim()
    		if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(jsonkey)) {
    	if(foundElements.size > 0) { "for [key=${key}] ${foundElements.size} elements were found ${foundElements}"	
    	} else {
    		log.error "for [key=${key}] no elements were found"

    Result will look like this:

    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:for [key=uvwaiverfee] 1 elements were found ["UvWaiverFee" : ""]
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:for [key=uvwaivercalc] 1 elements were found ["UvWaiverCalc" : ""]
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:for [key=uvfillerlock] 1 elements were found ["UvFillerLock" : ""]
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:ERROR:for [key=pbenupdcount] no elements were found
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:ERROR:for [key=pbenkey0] no elements were found
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:ERROR:for [key=rowcolumn] no elements were found
    Wed Oct 24 21:50:20 CEST 2018:INFO:done
    • Nmenon81's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you very much, I am not able to get this to work in groovy due to some compile errors  but I was able to get this to work in eclipse. I will continue to work on finding out what's wrong with Groovy but thank you for this.

      • Alex99's avatar
        Could you provide the error log. Maybe I could help.
    • vivram's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks Alex99


      i'm getting this error (attached screenshot)


      Not sure if I'm doing it right since I didn't understand the 


      do we have to pass just the keyword or the entire JDBC response in "JDBC_TEXT" and similarly for "JSON_TEXT"


      currently I've done this

      new XmlSlurper().parseText(SKU).ResultSet.Row.children().each { it->
      def key ="_", "")
      def value = it.text()
      def foundElements = []

      for(s in sku.findAll( /"[\w]+" : "?[\w.-]{0,}"?/ )) {
      jsonkey = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[0].trim()
      jsonvalue = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[1].trim()

      if(key.equalsIgnoreCase(jsonkey)) {

      if(foundElements.size > 0) { "for [key=${key}] ${foundElements.size} elements were found ${foundElements}"
      } else {
      log.error "for [key=${key}] no elements were found"



      • Alex99's avatar

        Correct, JSON_TEXT was ment to be a placeholder for your json string and JDBC_TEXT for the jdbc response respectively.


        The error you are getting comes from this line in your code, SKU is probably not defined?

        new XmlSlurper().parseText(SKU).ResultSet.Row.children().each { it->

        Also to make it, hopefully, easier to unterstand, here another example. This time with all the values and some comments:

        def JDBC_TEXT = """<Results>
           <ResultSet fetchSize="100">
              <Row rowNumber="1">
        def JSON_TEXT = """{
           "GetBenefitDetailsResult" : {
              "BenefitDetails" : [
                    "CompanyCode" : "01",
                    "PolicyNumber" : "TEST",
                    "BenefitSeq" : 99,
                    "BenefitType" : "UV",
                    "ProcessedToDate" : 99999999,
                    "StatusCode" : "",
                    "StatusReason" : "",
                    "StatusDate" : 0,
                    "PlanCode" : "",
                    "IssueDate" : 0,
                    "ParentBenefitSeq" : 1,
                    "PayUpDate" : 0,
                    "MatureExpireDate" : 0,
                    "ProcessingCycle" : "",
                    "InfRiderSeq" : 0,
                    "LastChgDate" : 0,
                    "LastChgTime" : 538976288,
                    "DateOfBirth" : 0,
                    "IssueAge" : 0,
                    "UnderwritingClass" : "",
                    "SexCode" : "",
                    "InsuredDeathInd" : "",
                    "SecondInsuredDob" : 0,
                    "SecInsIssAge" : 0,
                    "SecInsUwcls" : "",
                    "SecInsSexCode" : "",
                    "SecInsDeathInd" : "",
                    "ValuePerUnit" : 0.00,
                    "NumberOfUnits" : 0.00000,
                    "AnnPremPerUnit" : 0.00000,
                    "ModePremium" : 0.00,
                    "CommMdlFctrsFl" : "",
                    "BenefitFee" : 0.00,
                    "NonCommHelthFlg" : "",
                    "CommBasedOnDate" : "",
                    "PremBasedOnDate" : "",
                    "UnitsNarFlag" : "",
                    "CategoryCode" : "",
                    "RenewalType" : "",
                    "AaModelFlag" : "",
                    "EtiMx" : 0E-7,
                    "PolLineOfBusnss" : "",
                    "ProductType" : "",
                    "AgentSplitCtl" : 0,
                    "CommissionClass" : "",
                    "IssueState" : "",
                    "ResidentState" : "",
                    "AuxAge" : 0,
                    "BasicBillDate" : 0,
                    "EffPremDate" : 0,
                    "MecDate" : 0,
                    "UnderwriterCode" : "",
                    "UnderwriterType" : "",
                    "ReinCode" : 0,
                    "PremTaxBasisFl" : "",
                    "JointFlag" : "",
                    "AllctdTargetPrem" : 0.00,
                    "AllctdMinPrem" : 0.00,
                    "TypeCode" : "",
                    "ParType" : "",
                    "NonForfeiture" : "",
                    "Dividend" : "",
                    "OtherInfo" : "",
                    "AccumDividends" : 0.0,
                    "PremiumsPaid" : 0.0,
                    "DividendsCredited" : 0.0,
                    "TaxBasis" : 0.0,
                    "ExcessDividend" : "",
                    "UlRiderFvSeq" : 0,
                    "CapOytOption" : "",
                    "MaximizeOytFlag" : "",
                    "OriginalUnits" : 0.0,
                    "OrLPOverride" : "",
                    "BillLoanNetDiv" : "",
                    "Opt8TarFlag" : "",
                    "EtiRpuEndowment" : 0.0,
                    "EtiRpuPattern" : "",
                    "PpPtOytDivs" : 0.0,
                    "FundValue" : {
                       "FvFundValueCode" : "",
                       "FvBasis1" : 0.0,
                       "FvBasis2" : 0.0,
                       "FvIncome1" : 0.00,
                       "FvIncome2" : 0.00,
                       "FvBalance1" : 0.00,
                       "FvBalance2" : 0.00,
                       "FvTotLoanBasis" : 0.00,
                       "FvTotalLoanInc" : 0.00,
                       "FvTotalLoanBal" : 0.00,
                       "FvGuarRate" : 0.00,
                       "FvGuarDeposits" : 0.00,
                       "FvDepLoads" : 0.00,
                       "FvGrWithdrawals" : 0.00,
                       "FvWithdrawalLoad" : 0.00,
                       "FvCoi" : 0.00,
                       "FvBaseDed" : 0.00,
                       "FvProcessLoads" : 0.00,
                       "FvProductType" : "",
                       "FvType" : "",
                       "FvProcessRule" : "",
                       "FvDepAlloc" : "",
                       "FvWtdAlloc" : "",
                       "FvDedAlloc" : "",
                       "FvCoiAlloc" : "",
                       "FvLonAlloc" : "",
                       "FvPldAlloc" : "",
                       "FvLastValDate" : 0,
                       "FvLandmarkDate" : 0,
                       "FvDepAllocFlag" : "",
                       "FvSpecialFund" : "",
                       "FvOrderNum" : "0",
                       "FvCommClass" : "",
                       "FvWaiverFee" : "",
                       "FvWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "FvFillerLock" : ""
                    "UnitValue" : {
                       "UvGuarCoiRate" : 1.28665,
                       "UvCurrCoiRate" : 0.82090,
                       "UvCurrentNar" : 90.26115,
                       "UvTotalBasisIss" : 0.00,
                       "UvTaxBasisIssue" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi1" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi2" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi3" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi4" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi5" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi6" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi7" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi8" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi9" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi10" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi11" : 0.00,
                       "UvEi12" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi1" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi2" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi3" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi4" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi5" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi6" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi7" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi8" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi9" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi10" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi11" : 0.00,
                       "UvAnnEi12" : 0.00,
                       "UvTotSpecialAmt" : 100000.00,
                       "Uv10201988SpAmt" : 0.00,
                       "Uv12311986FnVal" : 0.00,
                       "Uv12311988FnVal" : 0.00,
                       "UvWaiverFee" : "",
                       "UvWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "UvFillerLock" : ""
                    "OtherRider" : {
                       "OrRiderType" : "",
                       "OrMthlyDed" : 0.0,
                       "OrPuaFace" : 0.0
                    "Base" : {
                       "BaThirdPrtyFlag" : "",
                       "BaOrTotInfFlag" : "",
                       "BaTamraPrem" : 0.0,
                       "BaTamraFlag" : "",
                       "BaOrDivIntegra" : "",
                       "BaOrVanishFlag" : "",
                       "BaOrPuaSeq" : 0.0,
                       "BaOrSpecialFee" : "",
                       "BaOrWaiverFee" : "",
                       "BaOrWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "BaOrBenefitLock" : 0.0,
                       "BaOrTamraTrmnt" : "",
                       "BaOrCovLvlDiv" : ""
                    "ShadowBenefit" : {
                       "SuTypeCode" : "",
                       "SuSubtypeCd" : "",
                       "SuUnitsCtrl" : "",
                       "SuDeduction" : 0.0,
                       "SuPremiumsPaid" : 0.0,
                       "SuDivCredited" : 0.0,
                       "SuTaxBasis" : 0.0,
                       "SuCompSubType" : "",
                       "SuTotInfFlag" : "",
                       "SuLPOverride" : "",
                       "SuTamraFlag" : "",
                       "SuRowSource" : "",
                       "SuBundledBenSeq" : 0,
                       "SuJointSelection" : "",
                       "SuSpecialFee" : "",
                       "SuWaiverFee" : "",
                       "SuWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "SuBenefitLock" : 0,
                       "SuTamraTrmnt" : ""
                    "SurrenderLoad" : {
                       "SlTableCode" : "",
                       "SlRateUpAge" : 0,
                       "SlPercent" : 0.0,
                       "SlFlatAmount" : 0.0,
                       "SlPctCeaseDate" : 0,
                       "SlFlatCeaseDate" : 0,
                       "Sl2NdTableCode" : "",
                       "Sl2NdRateAgeUp" : 0,
                       "Sl2NdPercent" : 0.0,
                       "Sl2NdFlatAmount" : 0.0,
                       "Sl2NdPctCsDate" : 0,
                       "Sl2NdFltCsDate" : 0,
                       "SlPctMthlyDed" : 0.0,
                       "SlFlatMthlyDed" : 0.0,
                       "SlPremiumsPaid" : 0.0,
                       "SlDivCredited" : 0.0,
                       "SlTaxBasis" : 0.0,
                       "SlLPOverride" : "",
                       "SlWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "SlBenefitLock" : 0
                    "PaidUp" : {
                       "PuTypeCode" : "",
                       "PuIntPdToDate" : 0,
                       "PuAccruInt" : 0.0,
                       "PuAccruFaceAmt" : 0.0,
                       "PuPremiumsPaid" : 0.0,
                       "PuDivCredited" : 0.0,
                       "PuTaxBasis" : 0.0,
                       "PuSpecialFee" : "",
                       "PuWaiverFee" : "",
                       "PuWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "PuBenefitLock" : 0
                    "AnnuityRider" : {
                       "ArBillingMode" : "",
                       "ArBillingForm" : "",
                       "ArBilledToDate" : 0,
                       "ArPaidToDate" : 0,
                       "ArActBillDate" : 0,
                       "ArBillableAmount" : 0.00,
                       "ArSurrenderLoad" : 0.0,
                       "ArCurrAccumCash" : 0.0,
                       "ArLastValDate" : 0,
                       "ArOther" : "",
                       "ArVarCovrFlag" : "",
                       "ArWithProcDate" : 0,
                       "ArFvCreatnFlag" : "",
                       "ArPremDepRque" : "",
                       "ArIndexedCovrFl" : "",
                       "ArWaiverFee" : "",
                       "ArWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "ArBenefitLock" : 0
                    "BaseFund" : {
                       "BfNonForfeiture" : "",
                       "BfSpecifiedAmt" : 0.0,
                       "BfCurrentDb" : 0.0,
                       "BfDbOption" : "",
                       "BfCurrSurrLoad" : 0.0,
                       "BfMinimumPremium" : 0.0,
                       "BfTarget" : 0.0,
                       "BfTamraAmount" : 0.0,
                       "BfGuidelinLvlPr" : 0.0,
                       "BfGuidelinSngPr" : 0.0,
                       "BfLastValDate" : 0,
                       "BfDateNegative" : 0,
                       "BfThirdPrtyFlag" : "",
                       "BfTotInfFlag" : "",
                       "BfVarCovrFlag" : "",
                       "BfWithProcDate" : 0,
                       "BfFvCreatnFlag" : "",
                       "BfPremDepRque" : "",
                       "BfRothIraCbFlg" : "",
                       "BfBaseTargetExp" : 0.0,
                       "BfWaiverFee" : "",
                       "BfWaiverCalc" : "",
                       "BfBenefitLock" : 0,
                       "BfIndexedCovrFl" : "",
                       "BfTreasryCvrFlg" : "",
                       "BfHybridCovrFlg" : ""
                    "SpecifiedAmountIncrease" : {
                       "SpOriginFlag" : "",
                       "SpSpecifiedAmt" : 0.0,
                       "SpTotInfFlag" : ""
              "GUID" : "TEST51564564DFSSFG",
              "ReturnCode" : 0,
              "Message" : null
        //first transform json into a dictionary, grouped by the key
        //e.g. {"CompanyCode" : "01", "CompanyCode" : "12",}
        //will be aggregated as ["CompanyCode" : ["01", "12"]]
        def jsonMap = [:]
        for(s in JSON_TEXT.findAll( /"[\w]+" : "?[\w.-]{0,}"?/ )) {
        	k = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[0].trim()
        	v = s.replace("\"", "").split(":")[1].trim()
        	valueList = []
        	if(jsonMap.containsKey(k)) {
        		valueList = jsonMap.get(k)
        	jsonMap.put(k, valueList)
        //aggregate the xml stuff also into a map, slightly easier, since it is not nested
        def jdbcMap = [:]
        new XmlSlurper().parseText(JDBC_TEXT).ResultSet.Row.children().each { child->
        	def jdbcK ="_", "")	//you have to replace the _ otherwise it will not match the provided JSON keys
        	def jdbcV	= child.text()
        	valueList = []
        	if(jdbcMap.containsKey(jdbcK)) {
        		valueList = jdbcMap.get(jdbcK)
        	jdbcMap.put(jdbcK, valueList)
        //now we want to find all matches
        def myMatches = []
        //thanks to this stackoverflow question:
        def iJDBC = jdbcMap.entrySet().iterator()
        while(iJDBC.hasNext()) {
        	def kJDBC =
        	def iJSON = jsonMap.entrySet().iterator()
        	while(iJSON.hasNext()) {
        		def kJSON =
        		if(kJSON.equalsIgnoreCase(kJDBC)) {
        			myMatches.add("JSON: key=${kJSON} | value=${jsonMap.get(kJSON)}  >> matched >>  JDBC: key=${kJDBC} | value=${jdbcMap.get(kJDBC)}")
        //so after we found all matches, show them "all matches: ${myMatches}"
        //do we have any values in the JDBC response that could NOT be matched?
        log.warn "left over JDBC values: ${jdbcMap}"
        //do we have any values in the JSON response that could NOT be matched?
        log.warn "left over JSON values: ${jsonMap}"

        The result should look something like this:

        Tue Oct 30 07:52:23 CET 2018:INFO:all matches: [JSON: key=CompanyCode | value=[01]  >> matched >>  JDBC: key=COMPANYC... 
        Tue Oct 30 07:52:23 CET 2018:WARN:left over JDBC values: [PBENUPDCOUNT:[0], PBENKEY0:[3031435350303031412020202020393...
        Tue Oct 30 07:52:23 CET 2018:WARN:left over JSON values: [GetBenefitDetailsResult:[], BenefitDetails:[], TypeCode:[],...
        Tue Oct 30 07:52:23 CET 2018:INFO:end