Forum Discussion

ramanjitsingh's avatar
7 years ago

On execution mode of around 500 test cases ready api crash



On execution mode of around 500 test cases Ready api crashes. Do I need to do any particular setting so that large chunk of test case can execute successfully?

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    1. Are you running them in Sequencial mode?
    2. Are you running them from UI? If so, then you need to switch to command-line and execute the project with READYAPI_HOME/bin/testrunner utility.
  • SoapUI suffers from an inherent problem that the developers have not been able to figure out, and that is memory management or garbage collection. Easily reproducible, simple create any simple test cases, add a datasource with a couple of hundred rows of data (Very minimal by testing standards), open windows Task manager (Process tab) and launch the test. Watch the process memory as it grows. now some memory in more recent releases does seem to get released but overall if can not keep up and continues to build.


    If your goal is to execute some limited number of tests that won't be too demanding on the system, or your a developer validating a single function at a time, or your QA taking a single function to perform the same level of validation, you should be able to work around this.


    If however you need to run overnight or weekend long regressions or load testing, your going to either need Smartbear to fix this or another tool to migrate your test to.  


    Eventually you will saturate your system, even with all of the memory saving tricks and it will hang. I have been using this tool since v3.2?? when it was owned by Eviware. I really like this tool a lot but for some reason this isn't a priority. 


    I'd like to hear from other users, are you having success running over night and weekend long tests? If so would you please share! 

  • testhrishi's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Try to disable logs on some of these test steps which generates bulk of data. I have seen that helped in such cases

    • sprice090161's avatar

      Case #00267919: Memory creeps with each pass and hangs at 2.7 gb


      FYI...I found out this morning that the memory issue was replicated in-house. I'm told that when an error occurs, the process memory is supposed to clean up form the loop (I think it should be regardless of a pass/fail state). they believe that they have a fix that should be out in the next release.