Forum Discussion

Asubbiah's avatar
9 years ago

parse the json response with field name containing slash '/'

I have to parse the json response and get the value of a field "bookName": "MyBook 001"

Here is my response:


"meta": {
"/data/library": {
"bookName": "MyBook 001",
"/book/ID": {
"readOnly": true,
"optional": false,
"hidden": true
} }


This is my script assertion:


import groovy.json.JsonSlurper

def ResponseMessage = messageExchange.response.responseContent
def jsonResponse = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ResponseMessage)
def bName bName


I get error as no such property library
I tried using Soapui 'get data' option. But context.expand is not working when running from maven/jenkins.

How do i parse this respnse containing data/library?

  • This is primarily a groovy question. There are actually a couple of ways you can handle this.

    The simplest change is just to quote your fields, so change your line below to this:

    def bName =jsonResponse.meta."data/library".bookName

    It looks weird, but you need quotes because / is a valid character for identifiers in groovy, but not in java.

    Here is the documentation for this feature.


    The documentation for the JsonSlurper class says that the parseText method returns maps and lists, so you could optionally use the native syntax for those classes like jsonResponse["/data/library"]["bookName"] but then you are using quotes anyway.



  • jmueller's avatar
    New Contributor

    This is primarily a groovy question. There are actually a couple of ways you can handle this.

    The simplest change is just to quote your fields, so change your line below to this:

    def bName =jsonResponse.meta."data/library".bookName

    It looks weird, but you need quotes because / is a valid character for identifiers in groovy, but not in java.

    Here is the documentation for this feature.


    The documentation for the JsonSlurper class says that the parseText method returns maps and lists, so you could optionally use the native syntax for those classes like jsonResponse["/data/library"]["bookName"] but then you are using quotes anyway.



    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      Answered the same on stackoverflow some time ago.
      You are correct. But there is minor typo in the statement

      def bName =jsonResponse.meta."data/library".bookName

      should be
      def bName =jsonResponse.meta."/data/library".bookName

    • Asubbiah's avatar

      Thanks Jack!

      Appreciate your prompt response though it is a groovy question!