Forum Discussion

nastester's avatar
Regular Contributor
2 years ago

Performance testing simultaneous requests

This is probably a dumb question but how can I go about performance testing thousands of simultaneous calls at once to observe how the system handles that?

The performance/load/stress tests I've done with ReadyAPI in the past have been about number of requests over time with VUs. 

In this instance, I don't want say an hour long test run with the same request over and over, I want do test simultaneous calls.  How can I go about this? Couldn't really find anything in the docs unless I missed it.

  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 2


    the VUs are parallel clients of your API. You can set the VUs and start the performance test. 


    With ReadyAPI Performance license, you can set the VUs number higher.


    What are you missing? Do you want to make different request data for different VUs?


    • nastester's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      I guess what I want is to process a test that executes X amount of requests and then stops. 

      So would I just set X amount of VUs and set max targets to 1 or something? How can I ensure that all those VUs are actually running the request? Or is there a better way to accomplish this.

      For the scenario I am trying to replicate, it is not realistic to process thousands of requests over and over for an hour test run for instance.

      • KarelHusa's avatar
        Champion Level 2


        I recommend first defining a scenario, what you need to test.


        Do you only need to send N requests and see, how the app handled them? Then number of VUs does not matter; you only need to specify the total number of targets.


        Would you like to simulate real load on your API? Then VUs matter as they simulate real users consuming API in parallel.


        ReadyAPI ensures different VUs handle the requests. You just need to set up the number of VUs.