Forum Discussion

kamahade's avatar
Regular Contributor
13 years ago

Project files corrupted !!

Hello support Team,

I have multiple projects opened in default workplace. suddenly my Windows7 machine crashed..went for blue screen.

When I rebooted my machine, opened my SOAPUI PRO, it showed me a ERROR message that my default workplace will be cleared.

I clicked "OK".. Thats it !!

when I tried to import my project files to newly created workplace, it failed.. When I looked inside my project files (.xml) , it's corrupted !!!

ALL the project files which ever opened in my workplace are CORRUPTED !! which is NOT at all a good news !!

Do you have such error before? Please do help me !!

- Karthi
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    unfortunately, I'm not sure what can be done to salvage your data.
    'Blue screen of death' on Windows is notorious for data corruption,
    and I'm afraid that I can't think of way for fixing this without having some sort of backup data.

    SmartBear Software
  • kamahade's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Yeah.. had a email communication with support team as well.

    Basically should follow best practices
      Work on different workspaces - do not fall on default workspace

      Do back regularly
  • Kronos_-_soapUI_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi. We hit this same problem in SoapUI 4.5.1 after an unexpected power loss. It's not just blue screens. Can you come up with a fix? Perhaps flush your buffers every so often and don't leave yourselves vulnerable?

    The XML file cannot even be loaded in a text editor. This sounds like a bug to me in SoapUI. Other text files open in other programs - notepad for example - continue to work fine after a power loss.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Sorry, but I think it will be hard for us to fully prevent corrupting your project files if soapUI Pro is killed during a file write operation, such as saving all your projects.
    What you could do is to go to soapUI Preferences > UI Settings > Create Backup and configure soapUI to take backups regularly of your project files.


    SmartBear Sweden
  • kamahade's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Thank you.

    I did this , however am getting following error in "error.log" file

    2012-12-05 10:11:27,863 WARN [errorlog] Failed to delete temporary project file; C:\soapui-tool-backup\project-temp-4841559870848618230.xml
    2012-12-05 10:11:27,865 INFO [WsdlProject] Saved project [Complete_project_all_wsdl] to [C:\soapui-tool-backup\Complete_project_all_wsdl.xml.backup - 2759676 bytes
    2012-12-05 10:11:28,189 WARN [errorlog] Failed to delete temporary project file; C:\soapui-project-files\project-temp-4889927491428098230.xml
    2012-12-05 10:11:28,189 INFO [WsdlProject] Saved project [Complete_project_all_wsdl] to [C:\soapui-project-files\Complete_project_all_wsdl.xml - 2759676 bytes
    2012-12-05 10:11:28,197 INFO [WorkspaceImpl] Saved workspace to [C:\soapui-project-files\Adapter-TMF-projects\Adapter_Workspace-workspace.xml]
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Do the user you are running soapUI with (probably your own user) have write permissions in the soapui-tool-backup folder?


    SmartBear Sweden
  • SSpruit's avatar
    New Contributor
    I have the same problem.

    I also have a backup fortunately. However how do I restore my work with it?
    Import project and import packed project do not seem to work

    Btw. I agree with some of the previous posts that SoapUI is way too vulnerable to save corruption and I think the replies from the support staff I have read are entirely too dismissive about this problem.
  • SSpruit's avatar
    New Contributor

    Putting back a backup is apparently the same as importing you project xml. However, in my case the backup file seems to be a simple copy of the corrupted project xml, so it is corrupted as well.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    I'm sorry to hear that your project file is corrupted. Unfortunately, this is a random issue that rarely happens so we do not know how this is reproduced. We advise that you use a version control system to back up your project files. You may also want to consider using a composite project. Are there any particular steps that may have caused this corruption to occur? ... pport.html

    SmartBear Support
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    There is a reason why projects use repositories such as git / svn / cvs etc.