Forum Discussion

groovyguy's avatar
Community Hero
9 years ago

Ready API 1.8.0 Memory Usage

This is an issue I've been fighting against for some time, and have yet to find a solution to. In all of my testing, over time, ReadyAPI / SoapUI NG ends up using 4+GB of memory. I have a laptop with 32GB of memory. More and more frequently, throughout an entire day of testing (and testing various web services), this can slowly creep up to 6, 8, or 10 or more GB of RAM. I have a service I am testing right now that ends up taking ReadyAPI's ram usage from 1GB to 24+GB after two or three tests have been ran. 


The data being returned by this particular service can be tens or hundres of megabytes in size, and it ends up killing my RAM usage to the point that I can only run one or two tests and then have to quit ReadyAPI complete and restart it. Obviously this is not a good solution.


Am I doing something wrong? Does ReadyAPI really choke that badly on a few hundred megabytes of text? What, if anything, can I do differently?


Here are the memory settings from my vmoptions file:


  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Are you using very big projects? How consistent is it?


    May be you can create a case with SmartBear support team using this link.


    A tip :If you have multiple projects in the workspace, make sure you close the unused projects.

    • groovyguy's avatar
      Community Hero

      The project XML file is just shy of 10MB in size, and all other projects were closed. I had even closed ReadyAPI and re-opened it before running the test. 

      • gallowdp's avatar
        New Contributor

        Have you had any luck solving SoapUI memory issues? I've been having these issues ever since using SoapUI. It seems to just hold on to memory throughout the test case no matter what I do (disable transaction log, groovy script to clear cache). It's a huge issue to have while running large or complex test cases, and SmartBear seems be be doing nothing to solve it.


        At least when you advertise your product, let potential customers know of these huge limitations to your software. And before someone links me to the "Improve memory usage" page, I've already done all of those things, and it still build memory up throughout the whole test case, quickly going from 1GB to 12GB and failing to continue due to max heap size error. My company will definitely be looking into other options for API testing if this glaring and significant issue can't be addressed.