Forum Discussion

PG's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Ready API 3.6.0 paralell CMD running problem

Dear All,


I have 9 Testsuites with MSSQL DB connection (DataSource and DataSink)

One TestSuite has 30.000 calculation request testcase, so altogether I have 270.000 testcase!

I tried to run in CMD testrunner in paralell all of them, but only 3-4 TestSuites ran at once, the other Suites stopped at the DataSource test step and it only started when one of the processes already running was completed.


Is there any way to run all of them parallel?

In this 9 TestSuites I use one Database for both input data and output data.

Maybe this coudl be the problem?


Thank you!



  • Thank you Rao!

    Hi PG, were you able to figure out the cause of the issue?

    If the suggested approach didn't help, please consider opening a support ticket.  

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    1. If the test cases are independent, then they should be able to run.
    2. What command did you use to run the tests in parallel?
    3. Assuming that you need to run the suites in parallel.

    One simple way is to run the suite in one commandline (need to use the option to run only particular suite, not the entire project), so you can invoke as many suites as you want at the same time in different command windows.

    Keep in mind that your application should be capable enough to handle those requests/ load.

    • PG's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I'm not use one command window, I run one TestSuites one CMD window, so if I run all of them in parallel, I have to open 9 CMD windows.

      As I mentioned I use MSSQL JDBC connection, one Database to 9 TestSuite.

      I think the problem may be there, because at 4 TestSuites I tried to change the DataSource to ExcelSheet, and the number of parallel runs increased to 7.


      But i don't know if there any setting at MSSQL or ReadyApi.

      • sonya_m's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Thank you Rao!

        Hi PG, were you able to figure out the cause of the issue?

        If the suggested approach didn't help, please consider opening a support ticket.