Forum Discussion

poonam31's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

ReadyAPI 3.20.1 - Tag option to Test Suite and Test Case is disabled / grayed out.

Hi Team. I need to tag my test suites and test cases and use it in Jenkin command line. I want to run multiple ready api test suites under Jenkin command line. In readyapi, I see tag option is grayed out I clicked on test suite/test case and then checked tag option , but its grayed out. How can this be enabled?  

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey poonam31 


    I've always thought the tagging enabling functionality was a little awkward and lacked a little natural intuitiveness. 


    Can you confirm EXACTLY what you're doing when attempting to apply the tag?


    I'm running v3.20.0 and a colleague is running v3.20.2 and the functionality works identically.


    Instructions to apply tags:


    1.Click on the TestSuite object containing the testcases you want to tag up (see next screenshot) - the Tagging functionality is disabled at this point

    2. Whilst continuing to view the TestCases within the TestSuite, in the right hand side frame, click on a testcase you want to tag - this enables the Tagging functionality (see next screen grab)

    3.  Click on the 'Tagging' button  - the 'Assign Tags' (see next screen grab)



    Voila!  Hope this helps,



