Forum Discussion

TwoFang's avatar
2 years ago

ReadyAPI maven plugin configuration regarding the <slm> parameters

Found documentation here
where it states:

  1. You may provide your credentials by either enclosing them within the <slmAccessKey>Access_Key</slmAccessKey> tag, or by using the <slmUsername>Username</slmUsername> and <slmPassword>Password</slmPassword> tags.

The problem here is that i have no clue where in my pom.xml file where these should be added and the example pom.xml file have not been updated so that one gives no hint either.

Do anyone know where to include these tags in the pom.xml file?


  • Huhu TwoFang 

    I was able to figure it out with ChatGPT πŸ˜„

    It has to be in the configuration part


    <!--<globalProperties> <value>preemptive=true</value> </globalProperties> -->

2 Replies

  • Yki's avatar

    Huhu TwoFang 

    I was able to figure it out with ChatGPT πŸ˜„

    It has to be in the configuration part


    <!--<globalProperties> <value>preemptive=true</value> </globalProperties> -->
    • TwoFang's avatar

      Yki Thank you for the help pointing out where to add my slmAccessKey, with this info and adding some new repository urls to our artifactory (so that our jenkins could actually download 3.46.0) I got everything working

      Best Regards