Forum Discussion

JeffSm's avatar
6 years ago

request parameters not appearing in SoapUI Pro

I create a resource in the Projects tab, with a parameter.  I add to Test Case, but the parameter table is empty.  It says to use the project tool to add request parameters.  There is already a param...
  • richie's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi JeffSm 


    I have had exactly the same behaviour occur when creating test steps.


    What I found was that occasionally making a change in the UI wasn't persisted properly - i.e. add a query parm in the 'Projects' section of ReadyAPI!, navigate to the SoapUI tab and create a request based on the resource created in Projects, but the parms on the step are empty or the values were blank despite I thought I'd set them correctly.


    What I noticed was that after I'd made the change in the Projects section (i.e. add in a query parm on the REST request whether at Resource or Method level) I moved the focus out of the field to a different field to ensure the value remained.  At this point I selected to Save all changes on the project.  I then continued to make the required changes - each time ensuring teh changes remained and I saved those changes.


    hope this helps,

