Forum Discussion

Sabitha_D's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Smart Assertion Values capturing in Groovy

Hi Guys,

I am new to Ready API and still in learning phase . Currently , I am looking into the smart assertion , where in my smart assertion I am getting the error in a particular test step, I want to capture that Test step request - smart assertion response and display it in my HTM Report. Kindly let me know if there is anyway . 

[While googling I found a way for capturing it for all the test step in project , but dint find for selected test step and tried multiple times, still getting errors]

Thanks & Regards,

Sabitha D. 

  • AbbyS's avatar
    New Contributor

    I want to capture the "Smart Assertion" response into a variable/property. Any ideas, how to achieve this!

    • AbbyS's avatar
      New Contributor

      This worked for me: "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"
      { name,props -> "Test step name: $name"
      // check that the testStep class support assertions // (for example groovy testStep doesn't)
      if(props.metaClass.respondsTo(props, "getAssertionList"))
      // get assertionList
      // display the assertion Label Name - assertion Status - assertion Error Message " $it.label - $it.status - $it.errors"
      } "////////////////////////////////////////////////////////"

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