Forum Discussion

explicit's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

SoapUI 4/5 difference - Getting Error getting response;NULL

I'm experiencing major difference between soapUI 4 and 5 version behavior.
In my project I have a WS-Security configured, Outgoing with Signature and Encryption, also Incoming WS-Security.

While using SoapUI 4 I receive proper response from my server.
Unfortunately, while using SoapUI 5 I get:
Error getting response for [my_request]; null. Nothing appears in Response box.

I'm checking my server and i can see in it's log files that the request was successfully received and processed.
It's only a problem with response for SoapUI...

The configuration is the same for both SoapUI's, I think i checked everywhere for any differences.
Same problem in SoapUI 5 Pro version.

Has anyone encounter same problem ? What could be the solution ?

Thanks in advance for any clue what to do.

Best regards
  • [Solved] I was getting the message "error getting response; null".

    I added the files "wss4j-1.6.18.jar" and "xmlsec-1.5.8.jar" as shown below in SoapUI 5.4.0. so i solved my problem about that message. You can get the lib files "wss4j-1.6.18.jar" and "xmlsec-1.5.8.jar" from ReadyAPI 2.6.0 that you downloaded .


8 Replies

  • abcdh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I am experiencing the same behavior in my setup.
    However, when I turn off the Incoming WS-Security configuration, the encrypted message is received just fine.
    As such, my guess is that the problem lies within the Incoming WS-Security process, maybe during the decryption.

    A solution would be very much appreciated

    Best regards
  • explicit's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hi Christian

    Thanks for the information! Same situation here, when i turned off the Incomming wss for my request i've received the encrypted response.
    Indeed, it looks like some issue occurs during the decryption phase.

    SoapUI team, could you investigate the problem and prepare a fix ?

    Best regards
  • abcdh's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    SoapUI team - is there any update on this issue?

    Best regards
    • Thorsten's avatar
      New Contributor

      On our side this problem occured as well (Error getting response for [...]; null). We could resolve it by exchanging the existing xmlsec-1.4.5.jar file contained in the /lib folder with newer version xmlsec-1.5.2.jar.


      • BazzaDP's avatar

        I tried that and it didn't work. However along same lines I looked at differences in the lib folder between old version which worked (4.5.0) and new version which didn't (5.1.3) and found a similar fix which did work for me:


        C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.1.3\lib


        Rename wss4j-1.6.16.jar to wss4j-1.6.16.jar.old

        Copy wss4j-1.6.2.jar from same location for SoapUI 4.5 to this folder.


        Restart and it works now.


