Forum Discussion

demosoapuser's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

SoapUI large response data

I'm currently testing an API with Post and Get call. When the API is new, few data are returned on the response as expected. But executing the call daily added more data. The Get call has no parameter which limit how much data are returned on the response. I guess it is more than 100 thousand data are being retrieved. When I executed the Get call today, it already took me more than 1 hour and still the execution is not finish. Is there any solution for this? Thanks in advance.

  • groovyguy's avatar
    8 years ago

    ReadyAPI is not going to be able to control how much data gets sent. It will only send and receive a web service request for you. The webservice itself will need to be able to handle how much data it returns. 

    • groovyguy's avatar
      Community Hero

      One part mentioned in nmrao's link that really helped me with requests that return hundreds of thousands of lines is to design the test with the UI as normal in ReadyAPI.

      Then use the testrunner.bat|.sh to run the test. It'll cut down on RAM usage and UI processing of the response. 

    • demosoapuser's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      It doesn't solve my problem. I also tried executing it through batch file. I guess the request retrieves thousands of data that's why it takes time. Executing through batch file will not cause the command line to stuck but it will also take time to finish same as with the UI. Are there any settings to control how much data should be retrieved? Like instead of returning thousands of data, it will just return 5-10 data. Thanks again for the answers

      • groovyguy's avatar
        Community Hero

        ReadyAPI is not going to be able to control how much data gets sent. It will only send and receive a web service request for you. The webservice itself will need to be able to handle how much data it returns.