Forum Discussion

mrdwprice's avatar
4 years ago

Test Suites in parallel - Invalid boolean value ''

Running Test Suites in parallel from testrunner.bat gives these kinds of errors at random:


java.lang.Exception: Failed to prepare the test step [DataSource]; org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlValueOutOfRangeException: Invalid boolean value ''


The issue disappears when running in sequence.


Has this issue been fixed in a later version of ReadyAPI? I'm currently on 2.7.0



  • The  JDBC Datasource step's that appeared to fail had rather lazy SELECT * from table with a bunch of joins along the way. The end result was a large number of Properties that were actually not used in the test. I cleaned up the SQL and reduced the number of Properties down to only those used in the test.


    Its a workaround, but it seems to have resolved the problem!


    A test execution that was taking 40 minutes or so to run before, runs in 8 minutes now 🙂

  • The  JDBC Datasource step's that appeared to fail had rather lazy SELECT * from table with a bunch of joins along the way. The end result was a large number of Properties that were actually not used in the test. I cleaned up the SQL and reduced the number of Properties down to only those used in the test.


    Its a workaround, but it seems to have resolved the problem!


    A test execution that was taking 40 minutes or so to run before, runs in 8 minutes now 🙂

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey mrdwprice 


    I'm responding cos no one else has but I dont know how much help I'm gonna be.


    youre getting this XMLOutOfRangeException when  you run the tests in parallel via testRunner.  Is this every single test in every different project or specific tests in a specific project?


    Essentially I'm wondering if the issue relates to the content of your test cases themselves opposed to anything else.


    Do you get the same issue manifested if youre running the tests via the GUI rather than via testRunner?


    As I said above - does this occur when executing testsuites in parallel from a different project?


    What type of datasource are you using?


    Does it occur for testsuites with a different type of datasource (different format and content)?


    It's difficult to say whether the issue has been fixed in versions later than v2.7.0 when we dont actually know the cause of the issue.....more investigation from yourself (answering the above questions and others) will help to nail down the cause of the issue.


    I'd do some investigation first (trying to answer the questions listed above) and go from there.


    Smartbear will always advise upgrading to the latest version, but as I say above - without more info it's difficult to advise either way if upgrading will resolve the issue, or if another option (altering the content/format of datasource), etc. would resolve the issue without actually knowing the cause.


    I myself have ran tests in parallel from versions 1.8 upwards (and I've just upgraded to 3.4.0) via testRunner and have never stumbled across this issue.







    • mrdwprice's avatar

      Thanks for the reply!


      I have 1 project with 50 or so Test Suites that run across 10 environments.


      All tests use a JDBC data connection as data source


      The failures seem random and occur on different Test Suites with each new test run.

      I do notice though that it always seems to be the first Test Case in the failing TestSuite that has the problem. Seems like the first test to hit the data source gets an error like this or the error from my initial post.


      java.lang.Exception: Failed to prepare the test step [DataSource]; org.apache.xmlbeans.impl.values.XmlValueOutOfRangeException: Invalid boolean value '-4dc' 


      I've tried running in parallel at a project level and setting a selection of individual Test Suites to only run in parallel. Same result, random failures. I've not tried reproducing in the GUI, I'll try that next.

      I also see there is a "Preloads available data if possible" check-box. I'll give this a go also 🙂


      The issue disappears directly when setting to run in sequence.



      Someone else had a similar issue:

      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero

        Hey mrdwprice 


        yup! looks like the same/very similar issue except I think 678 was using a flat file datasource rather than a jdbc connection or at least that was my interpretation when i tried answering his post.


        obviously theres a problem where the datasource is extracting a value  '-4dc' rather than a boolean ( true/false or 1/0) during its multi threading (in parallel mode).


        what exactly is your JDBC Datasource step actually doing?  Is it running a query which builds up a dataset (e.g. repeated rows of data for subsequent use in a test loop?).  Are you using this to execute a stored proc to build a dataset?  

        I was curious about this issue when 678 found it and Im just as curious now, cos essentially i dont really understand why the issue is occurring.  Normally I can follow why an error response is generated, but in this regard I dont.  Reason for my confusion - your jdbc datasource is extracting data (albeit sourced from CHAR, VARCHAR, NUMERIC, BOOLEAN or whatever table attributes).  The error reports a non boolean value trying to (it would appear) write to a boolean attribute.  HOWEVER - you are extracting data - youre not writing to a temporary table or anything like that are you?  My confusion comes from the fact that ReadyAPI! properties are not cognizant of different datatypes - properties are text unless you specify differently so your ReadyAPI! properties wouldnt have boolean types - would they?


        I digress - you can do more investigation (to try and nail down exactly what is going on), but at this point Id raise a Support Ticket.  This is obviously a problem with the threading (678's support ticket is #00343467)  and I had a quick look to see if I could access the ticket but I couldnt (and Id be surprised if I could - I wouldn't have thought Smartbear would want the public to be able to see their employees comments on support tickets).  I dont know what version 678 was running when he found this issue but it was 18months ago - so it couldve been around v2.7.0.


        In the meantime - is there a reason running in parallel is essential rather than running in sequence?


        you could do some investigation (query your database to identify which table attributes are actually boolean and to determine which table attributes have a value of  '-4dc', but Id guess that boolean invalid value of '-4dc' changes each execution run - but at least you might be able to see which table attributes are being mistranslated. 


        Are you using datasource loop test cases?  Or are you using non looped test cases or a mixture of both?

        Are the errors occurring on the looped test cases or the non looped ones?

        Im wondering if theyre not looped test cases, if you could name the datasource test steps in each of your testcase something different,  so the step itself isn't getting mixed up in the memory when the tests are executed in parallel. i.e. in testsuite1, testcase1, datasource would be name datasourceS1C1.  in testsuite1, testcase2, datasource would be named datasourceS1C2, etc, etc.  

        This is a longshot I know - but perhaps if the datasource is named differently to the other datasources in different testcases and testsuites then it wont be muddled in the memory which might help?  Longshot I know - and this wouldnt help if youre using looped test cases, but something similar to this solved my very similar issue when I was performance testing in Jmeter, so perhaps this will help?


        Thats all I got - but the first thing Id do is raise a ticket.  Smartbear will probably tell you to upgrade your ReadyAPI! version, but still its worth raising.


        If you could share your project and provide an ERD for the tables youre sourcing from - I could try and replicate the issue on my local machine - I seriously doubt youll be able to share your project - but the offers there if you want.


        Sorry I cant be of more help!



