Forum Discussion

Nico's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Value From Set doesn't generate random value



Not sure if I'm using this wrong, or I stumbled onto an error.


I've got a Data generator step which creates an accountType.

Settings are as follows:


Property Type: Value From Set


Custom values:




Generation Mode: random


Duplicate each value: disabled


Whenever I test this, even with 20 rows, all I get is abc.


If I set generation mode to Sequential, abc and def are alternating as expected.


For my test I just generate 1 line at a time, and I need this to be a random selection between abc and def.





If I add a third value, eg. ghi to the custom value set, the script now selects one of the first 2 values at random, ie. abc or def.

Is this possibly a bug in ReadyAPI where the Date Generator doesn't understand the range of the array?

5 Replies

  • Nico :


    Refer below screenshot, i have tried the same way it is working for me. Hope you have selected the "randomize selection of values" checkbox at the bottom.



    • sonya_m's avatar
      SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

      Thank you for going ahead and checking this, Himanshu!


      Nico Did you manage to solve this? Was it the checkbox at the bottom?



    • Nico's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi HimanshuTayal and sonya_m 


      Thanks for the reply, and sorry about my late reply (I was home sick).


      I double-checked and I do have Random generation enabled.
      I've attached a scrshot to show my experience better.


      This is in ReadyAPI 3.3.0, but I just came back to work and found a v3.3.2 ready for download, so I'll give that a try.




      • sonya_m's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Nico , I hope you are feeling much better now!🙂


        Yes, updating to 3.3.2 would be a great idea. Please let us know how this works for you.