Improve soapui teststep results in jenkins
I'm a new soapui user, I'm building a REST web services test suite integrated in jenkins through maven plugins
For the moment I'm using junit reports but results showed are very poor, only testcase shown
I have tried to replace teststeps by testcases, results are better, but test development is more complicated
I found some issues on forums, but very old
My question: Is there a common way to improve soapui tests results in jenkins, teststeps lists, stats , result customization
Thanks for your help
Ok Problem solved.
Stupid problem really.
I was running ReadyAPI 1.1.0
I then updated to 1.2.2. However the shortcut on my desktop was still pointing to 1.1.0. Hence the java libs was copied into 1.2.2 since it is the one I thought I was using. As a simple test I copied into 1.2.2 folder. Everything worked perfect :-)
Wil update shortcut now to point to the correct place.
Thanks for everyones input.