Forum Discussion

cstovin's avatar
New Member
10 years ago

Simple REST get request not working, but works in RestClient....

Hello all, I am BEGGING for some help; I am fairly new to SoapUI but have done enough with it to know how to get/post, add body content, basic assertions, etc.

I have a simple “get” request that has no parameters; it was working fine; then all of a sudden, it is returning XML warnings that the server will not return anything due to there being a Virus? OR – we get 404 errors?

Other people can run this through rest client just fine; I checked and made sure my header included “content-type” = “application/json” - -which we have to set in restclient to get it to work; other than that, I have no idea why this isn’t working?

I see similar posts, but nothing quite the same as mine; I don’t know what else to check? This makes no sense at all why people can run it through restclient, (and I might add if they add the endpoint in Firefox, also get data returned; I get the same message through Firefox; can’t go to that site – Virus)….

PLEASE help me!! I am on a new job, want to make a decent impression, but can’t figure out why my requests are suddenly having issues?

Thank you for ANY feedback you can give!


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