7 years agoNew Contributor
Unexpected element: CDATA soapUI maven plugin
I have tests for a REST API using json.
I use properties and property Transfer. When I run the property transfer inside soapUI (version 5.4.0), everything goes fine. However, when I run them using soapui-maven-plugin:4.6.1, I got the following error:
Status: FAILED Time Taken: 51 Size: 0 Timestamp: Mon Dec 31 09:47:23 GMT+01:00 2018 TestStep: Property Transfer Error:com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.PropertyTransferException: error: Unexpected element: CDATA ----------------- Messages ------------------------------ Error performing transfer [zipCode] - error: Unexpected element: CDATA ---------------------------------------------------- zipCode transferred [[error: Unexpected element: CDATA]] from [Properties.zipCode] to [Address.Request] ------------ target path ------------- $.zipCode
Any idea about what I'm doing wrong?
Notes: I'm not using any parameter, I'm just selecting "Media Type: application/json" and putting my json underneath.
Seems that the error was just comming from me not using the same version for SoapUI and SoapUI maven plugin.
I just changed the soapui-maven-plugin version to match the one of SoapUI and it's working now.