6 years agoNew Contributor
Generate endpoint with parameter binding in C#
I currently have this OpenAPI yml:
...snipped from an endpoint description.... requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubmitRequest'
this moustache:
public async Task<{{returnType}}> {{operationId}}({{#allParams}}{{>pathParam}}{{>queryParam}}{{>bodyParam}}{{#isPathParam}}{{#hasMore}},{{/hasMore}}{{/isPathParam}}{{^isPathParam}}{{#isQueryParam}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/isQueryParam}}{{^isQueryParam}}{{#isBodyParam}}{{#hasMore}}, {{/hasMore}}{{/isBodyParam}}{{/isQueryParam}}{{/isPathParam}}{{/allParams}})
and it generates this endpoint:
public async Task<ObjA> Post([FromBody]SubmitRequest submitRequest)
What I need is to add the C# Bind keyword so it looks like this:
public async Task<ObjA> Post([FromBody,Bind]SubmitRequest submitRequest)
Reading here I see no way to do it with a yml directive.
I've tried some moustache trickery with vendor extensions but documentation on moustache is very sparse and I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong or it just can't be done.
If I do this in the YML:
x-bindBody: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SubmitRequest'
and this in moustache
public async Task<{{returnType}}> {{operationId}}({{#vendorExtensions.x-bindBody}}[FromBody,Bind]{{/vendorExtensions.x-bindBody}})
this is what I get....very close but not quite there.
public async Task<ObjA> Post([FromBody,Bind])
Any ideas?