Forum Discussion

vex's avatar
14 years ago

Bug in TC 8.50

Trying to get a Property Checkpoint on the little popup that appears just above the clock in FF 3.6 when a download is done -- the little "All Downloads Complete" thing that pops up and then goes back down.

If you try to get a Property Checkpoint from there, both FF 3.6 and TC 8.5 will crash, or freeze indefinitely.

  • Hi Vince,

    Could you please clarify what action you actually perform with the popup, that is, which property of which object you check?

    Anyway, working with an object which only exists for a few seconds is probably not a very reliable approach, because TestComplete might not have enough time to update the objects tree accordingly. If you want to use this window for downloads progress detection, you should probably try waiting for the window's appearance as described in the Checking Whether an Object Exists help topic. Another possible approach (which seems much more reliable for me) is to work with the downloads window which actually displays the download progress bar.
  • vex's avatar
    I agree it is bad practice to do that -- I actually found it in error.  I was checking a pop up message down there from one of our apps, and happened to accidently select the firefox little "All downloads complete" window that appears for about 3 seconds in the process which froze both apps.

    Kinda got diverted into figuring out how I was freezing TC, and figured out that was it.

    I can't pick a property - If I move the target to the window at the moment it appears, it will never recognize the object at all - it just freezes.

    I think the problem is that before TC can actually get all of the info from the little window, it goes away while it's still collecting data.

  • Hi Vince,

    We reproduced a similar behavior, but need to be sure whether that's exactly what you faced. Please answer the following questions:

    1. Does TestComplete becomes responsive again after a few minutes when you catch the popup window?

    2. If it does not, what OS is installed on the problematic machine and what steps you followed to reproduce the behavior (do you start recording before capturing the object? do you use the Finder tool to capture the object?)?

  • falcron's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Allen - to be honest, I let it sit for about 2-3 minutes and then just killed the process.  I didn't give it a forever time, but I gave it a fair amount that I felt was reasonable.

    I'll give it another run soon and let you know.

    Was on Win 7 64-Bit with SP1.

  • Hi Vince,

    OK, thanks for the information. Could you please provide us with more precise steps, as mentioned in my previous post?

  • falcron's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I don't use the Test Recorder.  I did an on-screen object, and used the finder to point to the object.

  • Hi Vince,

    If you update to TestComplete 8.60, this should resolve the problem. If the problem persists with this version of TestComplete, please let me know.