Forum Discussion

hlalumiere's avatar
Regular Contributor
12 years ago

Code donation: TestComplete log disk size trimmer.

I wrote this to solve an irritating issue I had with the huge log folders TestComplete was producing.

What this tool does is find all identical GIF, SWF and JS files scattered across a log folder structure, identifies them through MD5, copies distinct files to a specified common media folder, update references in XML and HTML files, and deletes the non-shared copies from the log folder structure. It translates the references to ABSOLUTE reference, so this is not suitable if you move your logs around a lot. However if like me you use a centralized network share for your logs, this will make you save a substancial amount of hard disk space, and it has the potential to speed up log browsing a bit, because of the way media is cached in most browsers. I have plans to adapt the tool to be able to use path-relative URIs eventually, however for now my problem is fixed, so this has gone on the backburner.

I will not include binaries because well you wouldn't want to run it anyways. Here is the source code to the VB console app. It requires .NET 4.0 and Visual Studio (Express will work fine...), because of my use of deferred processing and parallelism to speed up things.

There is still one bug I have not been able to put my finger on, where occasionally a single "info" icon will go missing from the log detail, my guess is there is another small patch to apply to one of the javascripts.

To build:

1- Paste the code in a new console application named TCLogTrim.

2- Build.


TARGETPATH is the TestComplete log path you want to clean up.

COMMONPATH is the path you want to use to hold the shared media.

Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001

Imports System.IO

Imports System.Threading

Imports System.Threading.Tasks

Module TCLogTrim

    Private Args() As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs

    Public Class FileMD5

        Public Property Fullname As String

        Public Property Filename As String

        Public Property AltFilenames As IEnumerable(Of String)

        Public Property Count As Integer

        Public Property MD5 As String

    End Class

    Private cspMD5 As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider

    Private strCommonPath As String = ""

    Private strTargetPath As String = ""

    Private lstTargetFiles As List(Of FileMD5)

    Dim DistinctFlashFiles, DistinctImageFiles, DistinctJavaScripts As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5)

    Public Sub Main()


        Console.WriteLine("TCLogTrim v1.0")



        Console.Write("* Enumerating files in the target directory... ")

        lstTargetFiles = (From f In Directory.EnumerateFiles(strTargetPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).AsParallel

                          Select New FileMD5 With {.Fullname = f,

                                                   .Filename = Path.GetFileName(f),

                                                   .MD5 = MD5CalcFile(f)}).ToList

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

        Console.Write("* Searching for common files... ")

        DistinctFlashFiles = EnumerateFiles(".swf")

        DistinctImageFiles = EnumerateFiles(".gif")

        DistinctJavaScripts = EnumerateFiles(".js")

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)


        Console.Write("* Enumerating found common files... ")

        Dim lstCommonFiles = From f In Directory.EnumerateFiles(strCommonPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).AsParallel

                             Select New FileMD5 With {.Fullname = f,

                                                      .Filename = Path.GetFileName(f),

                                                      .MD5 = MD5CalcFile(f)}

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

        Console.Write("* Searching for hypertext files to update... ")

        Dim lstHyperTextFiles = From htf In lstTargetFiles

                                Where htf.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(".HTM") _

                                Or htf.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(".XML")

                                Select htf

        Parallel.ForEach(lstHyperTextFiles, Sub(HTFile As FileMD5)

                                                EditReferences(HTFile.Fullname, DistinctFlashFiles)

                                                EditReferences(HTFile.Fullname, DistinctImageFiles)

                                                EditReferences(HTFile.Fullname, DistinctJavaScripts)

                                            End Sub)

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

        Console.Write("* Searching for files to delete... ")

        Dim lstFilesToDelete = From t In lstTargetFiles

                               Join c In lstCommonFiles On t.MD5 Equals c.MD5

                               Select t

        Parallel.ForEach(lstFilesToDelete, Sub(ThisFile As FileMD5)


                                           End Sub)

        Dim lstJSToDelete = From t In lstTargetFiles

                            Where t.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(".JS")

                            Select t

        Parallel.ForEach(lstJSToDelete, Sub(ThisFile As FileMD5)


                                        End Sub)

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)


        Console.WriteLine("All done!" & vbCrLf)

    End Sub

    Private Sub ParseArguments()

        If Args.Length = 3 Then

            If Directory.Exists(Args(1)) _

            And Directory.Exists(Args(2)) Then

                strTargetPath = Args(1)

                strCommonPath = Args(2)


                Console.WriteLine("Exception! One of the arguments is invalid.")



            End If


            Console.WriteLine("USAGE: TCLogTrim.exe [TARGETPATH] [COMMONPATH]")


            Console.WriteLine("[TARGETPATH] is the TestComplete log path you want to clean up.")

            Console.WriteLine("[COMMONPATH] is the path you want to use to hold the shared media.")



        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub UpdateCommonPath()

        Dim Count As Integer = 0

        Console.Write("* Copying common files to common directory... ")

        Count += CopyDistinctToCommon(DistinctFlashFiles, False, False)

        Count += CopyDistinctToCommon(DistinctImageFiles, True, False)

        Count += CopyDistinctToCommon(DistinctJavaScripts, False, True)

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

        Console.WriteLine("*    Copied " & Count & " unique shared files to """ & strCommonPath & """")

        ' Now we need to change the references in the common .js files to absolute URIs instead of the existing relative ones.

        Console.Write("* Updating internal JScript references... ")

        Parallel.ForEach(DistinctJavaScripts, Sub(ThisJS As FileMD5)

                                                  EditReferences(strCommonPath & "\" & ThisJS.Filename, DistinctFlashFiles)

                                                  EditReferences(strCommonPath & "\" & ThisJS.Filename, DistinctImageFiles)

                                                  EditReferences(strCommonPath & "\" & ThisJS.Filename, DistinctJavaScripts)

                                              End Sub)

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

        ' We also need to patch table.js so that the scripts find the nested images.

        ' "<img src=\"" + correctLocation(element.location, nodeValue)       =>      "<img src=\"" + nodeValue

        Console.Write("* Patching ""table.js""... ")

        Dim FileText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(strCommonPath & "\table.js")

        FileText = FileText.Replace("""<img src=\"""" + correctLocation(element.location, nodeValue)", """<img src=\"""" + nodeValue")

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(strCommonPath & "\table.js", FileText, False)

        Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

    End Sub

    Private Sub EditReferences(ByVal FileToEdit As String, ByVal RefsToUpdate As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5))

        Dim FileText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(FileToEdit)

        Parallel.ForEach(RefsToUpdate, Sub(ThisRef As FileMD5)

                                           For Each FileName As String In ThisRef.AltFilenames

                                               FileText = FileText.Replace(FileName, ("file:///" & strCommonPath & "\" & If(FileName.ToUpper.Contains(".GIF"), ThisRef.MD5 & ".gif", ThisRef.Filename)).Replace("\", "/"))


                                       End Sub)

        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(FileToEdit, FileText, False)

    End Sub

    ' Takes a filespec (".gif"), and returns an IEnumerable(Of FileMD5) that contains every distinct (MD5-wise) file found.

    Private Function EnumerateFiles(ByVal strFileSpec As String) As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5)

        'Get a list of all the files matching the filespec in the target tree.

        EnumerateFiles = From df In lstTargetFiles

                         Where df.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(strFileSpec.ToUpper)

                         Group df By df.MD5 Into Group

                         Select New FileMD5 With {.MD5 = MD5,

                                                  .Fullname = Group.FirstOrDefault.Fullname,

                                                  .Filename = Group.FirstOrDefault.Filename,

                                                  .AltFilenames = (From f In lstTargetFiles

                                                                   Where f.MD5 = MD5

                                                                   Select f.Filename).Distinct(),

                                                  .Count = Group.Count}

    End Function

    ' Takes an IEnumerable(Of FileMD5), and copies the distinct (MD5-wise) files from it into the common folder. Returns the count.

    Private Function CopyDistinctToCommon(ByVal EnumeratedFiles As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5), ByVal bRenameToMD5 As Boolean, ByVal bOverwrite As Boolean) As Integer

        CopyDistinctToCommon = 0

        ' Make one copy of each in the common tree, giving it the MD5 as filename.

        Parallel.ForEach(EnumeratedFiles, Sub(ThisFile As FileMD5)

                                              Dim CommonFilename = strCommonPath & "\" & If(bRenameToMD5, ThisFile.MD5 & Path.GetExtension(ThisFile.Fullname), ThisFile.Filename)

                                              If Not File.Exists(CommonFilename) Or bOverwrite Then

                                                  File.Copy(ThisFile.Fullname, CommonFilename, True)

                                                  CopyDistinctToCommon += 1

                                              End If

                                          End Sub)

    End Function

    ' Calculate the MD5 hash for a file.

    Public Function MD5CalcFile(ByVal FilePath As String) As String

        Dim Reader As New System.IO.FileStream(FilePath, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.ReadWrite)

        MD5CalcFile = New SoapHexBinary(cspMD5.ComputeHash(Reader)).ToString

    End Function

End Module

  • hlalumiere's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Here, use this instead. I corrected a few bugs, added a check to avoid copying unchanged JScripts unnecessarily.

    If a moderator wants to edit the previous code out that would be great... Maybe also sticky this if it's useful to other users...

    Imports System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001

    Imports System.IO

    Imports System.Threading

    Imports System.Threading.Tasks

    Module TCLogTrim

        Private Args() As String = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs

        Public Class FileMD5

            Public Property Fullname As String

            Public Property Filename As String

            Public Property AltFilenames As IEnumerable(Of String)

            Public Property Count As Integer

            Public Property MD5 As String

        End Class

        Private strCommonPath As String = ""

        Private strTargetPath As String = ""

        Private lstTargetFiles As List(Of FileMD5)

        Dim DistinctFlashFiles, DistinctImageFiles, DistinctJavaScripts As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5)

        Public Sub Main()


            Console.WriteLine("TCLogTrim v1.0")



            Console.Write("* Enumerating files in the target directory... ")

            lstTargetFiles = (From f In Directory.EnumerateFiles(strTargetPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).AsParallel

                              Select New FileMD5 With {.Fullname = f,

                                                       .Filename = Path.GetFileName(f),

                                                       .MD5 = MD5CalcFile(f)}).ToList

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

            Console.Write("* Searching for common files... ")

            DistinctFlashFiles = EnumerateFiles(".swf")

            DistinctImageFiles = EnumerateFiles(".gif")

            DistinctJavaScripts = EnumerateFiles(".js")

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)


            Console.Write("* Enumerating found common files... ")

            Dim lstCommonFiles = From f In Directory.EnumerateFiles(strCommonPath, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).AsParallel

                                 Select New FileMD5 With {.Fullname = f,

                                                          .Filename = Path.GetFileName(f),

                                                          .MD5 = MD5CalcFile(f)}

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

            Console.Write("* Searching for hypertext files to update... ")

            Dim lstHyperTextFiles = From htf In lstTargetFiles

                                    Where htf.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(".HTM") _

                                    Or htf.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(".XML")

                                    Select htf

            Parallel.ForEach(lstHyperTextFiles, Sub(HTFile As FileMD5)

                                                    EditReferences(HTFile.Fullname, DistinctFlashFiles)

                                                    EditReferences(HTFile.Fullname, DistinctImageFiles)

                                                    EditReferences(HTFile.Fullname, DistinctJavaScripts)

                                                End Sub)

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

            Console.Write("* Searching for files to delete... ")

            Dim lstFilesToDelete = From t In lstTargetFiles

                                   Join c In lstCommonFiles On t.MD5 Equals c.MD5

                                   Select t

            Parallel.ForEach(lstFilesToDelete, Sub(ThisFile As FileMD5)


                                               End Sub)

            Dim lstJSToDelete = From t In lstTargetFiles

                                Where t.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(".JS")

                                Select t

            Parallel.ForEach(lstJSToDelete, Sub(ThisFile As FileMD5)


                                            End Sub)

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)


            Console.WriteLine("All done!" & vbCrLf)

        End Sub

        Private Sub ParseArguments()

            If Args.Length = 3 Then

                If Directory.Exists(Args(1)) _

                And Directory.Exists(Args(2)) Then

                    strTargetPath = Args(1)

                    strCommonPath = Args(2)


                    Console.WriteLine("Exception! One of the arguments is invalid.")



                End If


                Console.WriteLine("USAGE: TCLogTrim.exe TARGETPATH COMMONPATH")


                Console.WriteLine("TARGETPATH is the TestComplete log path you want to clean up.")

                Console.WriteLine("COMMONPATH is the path you want to use to hold the shared media.")



            End If

        End Sub

        Private Sub UpdateCommonPath()

            Dim Count As Integer = 0

            ' We need to change the references in the common .js files to absolute URIs instead of the existing relative ones. We do this before copying to avoid copying unnecessary files.

            Console.Write("* Updating internal JScript references and patching table.js... ")

            Parallel.ForEach(DistinctJavaScripts, Sub(ThisJS As FileMD5)

                                                      EditReferences(ThisJS.Fullname, DistinctFlashFiles)

                                                      EditReferences(ThisJS.Fullname, DistinctImageFiles)

                                                      EditReferences(ThisJS.Fullname, DistinctJavaScripts)

                                                      ' We also need to patch table.js so that the scripts find the nested images.

                                                      ' "<img src=\"" + correctLocation(element.location, nodeValue)       =>      "<img src=\"" + nodeValue

                                                      If ThisJS.Filename.ToUpper = "TABLE.JS" Then

                                                          Dim FileText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(ThisJS.Fullname)

                                                          FileText = FileText.Replace("""<img src=\"""" + correctLocation(element.location, nodeValue)", """<img src=\"""" + nodeValue")

                                                          My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(ThisJS.Fullname, FileText, False)

                                                      End If

                                                  End Sub)

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

            Console.Write("* Copying common files to common directory... ")

            Count += CopyDistinctToCommon(DistinctFlashFiles, False, False)

            Count += CopyDistinctToCommon(DistinctImageFiles, True, False)

            Count += CopyDistinctToCommon(DistinctJavaScripts, False, True)

            Console.Write("Done." & vbCrLf)

            Console.WriteLine("*    Copied " & Count & " unique shared files to """ & strCommonPath & """")

        End Sub

        Private Sub EditReferences(ByVal FileToEdit As String, ByVal RefsToUpdate As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5))

            Dim FileText As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(FileToEdit)

            Parallel.ForEach(RefsToUpdate, Sub(ThisRef As FileMD5)

                                               For Each FileName As String In ThisRef.AltFilenames

                                                   FileText = FileText.Replace("""" & FileName & """", ("""file:///" & strCommonPath & "\" & If(FileName.ToUpper.Contains(".GIF"), ThisRef.MD5 & ".gif", ThisRef.Filename) & """").Replace("\", "/"))

                                                   FileText = FileText.Replace("'" & FileName & "'", ("'file:///" & strCommonPath & "\" & If(FileName.ToUpper.Contains(".GIF"), ThisRef.MD5 & ".gif", ThisRef.Filename) & "'").Replace("\", "/"))


                                           End Sub)

            My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(FileToEdit, FileText, False)

        End Sub

        ' Takes a filespec (".gif"), and returns an IEnumerable(Of FileMD5) that contains every distinct (MD5-wise) file found.

        Private Function EnumerateFiles(ByVal strFileSpec As String) As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5)

            'Get a list of all the files matching the filespec in the target tree.

            EnumerateFiles = From df In lstTargetFiles

                             Where df.Filename.ToUpper.Contains(strFileSpec.ToUpper)

                             Group df By df.MD5 Into Group

                             Select New FileMD5 With {.MD5 = MD5,

                                                      .Fullname = Group.FirstOrDefault.Fullname,

                                                      .Filename = Group.FirstOrDefault.Filename,

                                                      .AltFilenames = (From f In lstTargetFiles

                                                                       Where f.MD5 = MD5

                                                                       Select f.Filename).Distinct(),

                                                      .Count = Group.Count}

        End Function

        ' Takes an IEnumerable(Of FileMD5), and copies the distinct (MD5-wise) files from it into the common folder. Returns the count.

        Private Function CopyDistinctToCommon(ByVal EnumeratedFiles As IEnumerable(Of FileMD5), ByVal bRenameToMD5 As Boolean, ByVal bOverwrite As Boolean) As Integer

            CopyDistinctToCommon = 0

            ' Make one copy of each in the common tree, giving it the MD5 as filename.

            Parallel.ForEach(EnumeratedFiles, Sub(ThisFile As FileMD5)

                                                  Dim CommonFilename = strCommonPath & "\" & If(bRenameToMD5, ThisFile.MD5 & Path.GetExtension(ThisFile.Fullname), ThisFile.Filename)

                                                  If File.Exists(CommonFilename) Then

                                                      If bOverwrite Then

                                                          If Not MD5CalcFile(CommonFilename) = MD5CalcFile(ThisFile.Fullname) Then

                                                              File.Copy(ThisFile.Fullname, CommonFilename, True)

                                                              CopyDistinctToCommon += 1

                                                          End If

                                                      End If


                                                      File.Copy(ThisFile.Fullname, CommonFilename, True)

                                                      CopyDistinctToCommon += 1

                                                  End If

                                              End Sub)

        End Function

        ' Calculate the MD5 hash for a file.

        Public Function MD5CalcFile(ByVal FilePath As String) As String

            Using Reader As New System.IO.FileStream(FilePath, IO.FileMode.Open, IO.FileAccess.Read, IO.FileShare.ReadWrite)

                Using MD5 As New System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider

                    MD5CalcFile = New SoapHexBinary(MD5.ComputeHash(Reader)).ToString

                End Using

            End Using

        End Function

    End Module
  • hlalumiere's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hmm curious, apparently MD5CryptoServiceProvider is not thread-safe... You can do one of two things, either remove the .AsParallel from the Linq queries, or move the MD5CryptoServiceProvider declaration inside the MD5CalcFile function. That is actually what I did in my working copy, I must have corrected it after posting this.

    For the record, I will not provide support for this tool, it is given as-is. You have the full source code to it, so debugging it should not be too hard.
  • I'd like to use your program but unfortunately it crashes on my computer. 

    I'm using Windows 7 and I built it in Release (x86) with Visual Studio 2010.