Forum Discussion

sunjutha's avatar
14 years ago

Coulnt read Unsigned short Tiff files in test complete 4


I am using TestComplete 4. Reading Tiff files works only for Tiff of UnsignedChar type and fails for all other Tiff file types (Unsigned Short).

Here is the code i used,

 Pict1 = Utils.Picture;

 Pict2 = Utils.Picture;



 // Comparing the images using the Compare method

 if (!Pict1.Compare(Pict2))




   Log.Error("The compared images are not identical");


Picture object Handle is Zero for files of type other than Unsigned Char.

I have attached the test data of both types, please tell me a way out to fix

this issue.

In the attached files, canister)small.tif is a UnsignedShort type, and other is UnsignedChar type

  • Hi Sunjutha,

    We failed to reproduce the behavior with TestComplete 8.60. Check whether the issue persists with this version.