Forum Discussion

luciano_santos_'s avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Display Resolution in Web Test

Good Morning, 


My test architecture is divided into PCs (monitor resolution "X") and virtual machines (monitor resolution "Y"). 


When I create a project on my PC and distribute VMs, the test fails because of monitor resolution. 


To deal with this problem, what is the best practice to be adopted? 



Thank you, 


  • Take a look at the online documentation for any methods that are used by your test steps  that involve screen co-ordinates. I see you have the HoverMouse method in the screenshot you posted. Looking at the Test Complete Documentation

    I see that setting the x and y values to -1 will place the mouse in the center of the object. So, try setting your HoverMouse values to -1,-1. With the current values you have in there Test Complete is not using the centre of the object.
  • chrisb's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Which parts of your tests are failing? Tell us that and you might get a more tailored response to your issue.

    I am guessing it is areas that use screen co-ordinates. As the previous poster mentioned I would avoid practices that are dependent on screen resolution if you can.
  • chrisb's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Take a look at the online documentation for any methods that are used by your test steps  that involve screen co-ordinates. I see you have the HoverMouse method in the screenshot you posted. Looking at the Test Complete Documentation

    I see that setting the x and y values to -1 will place the mouse in the center of the object. So, try setting your HoverMouse values to -1,-1. With the current values you have in there Test Complete is not using the centre of the object.
  • You can perhaps try something like the following (if you really have to rely on coordinates):

    Given the screen coordinates for a touch (or whichever event) touch_x, touch_y and the screen resolution screen_x, screen_y (on which the test was developed), you first need to normalize the coordinates.

    A JScript example: 

    function normalizeCoordinates(touch_x, touch_y, screen_x, screen_y){

    //normalize the coordinates

    var x = touch_x / screen_x;

    var y = touch_y / screen_y;


    //Get the new coordinates to touch

    x = Math.round(x * <current_screen_x>);

    y = Math.round(y * <current_screen_y>);


    //Send back the values (as an array)

    return [x,y];


    What then is returned is the x,y coordinates that relate to the new screen resolution which you can use in whichever way you wish :)

    Hope this is of some help

  • karkadil's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    The best practice is to create tests which do not depend on screen resolution.

    Everything else is workaround.
  • luciano_santos_'s avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hello, it really would be great to create tests coordinates, even more than I'll use very dristribuidos tests. 


    Although I have been testing in our web application, I did the same tests with a Web Site and any realized that some elements he seeks to coordinate and not the object. I can not tell if this is random, but I'd really like to learn how to handle this situation. 


    I took a print of the situation I'm dealing with, sometimes I'm even doing the wrong procedures. 



    I read that in TestComplete 10:40, natively supports Chrome and Firefox today. I'm still tilizando version 10:30 because I always wait a few days before putting the latest version. Perhaps this solves the problem, but not sure. 


    I am grateful for the support of the community