Forum Discussion

satya214_1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Does TestComplete supports backward compatibility?


I am interested to know whether TestComplete supports backward compatibility?, If supported what the version we can toggle between. (looking for TestComplete 7.5 to 6.0)

Any comments/inputs are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Satya,

    TestComplete is backward compatible in the terms that it can open test projects from the old versions and convert them. Once the project is converted it cannot be used in the old version.

    However, conversion touches mostly configuration files (like project suite, project) and, maybe some other files like NameMapping. Script units, files from the Stores, pictures remain unchanged. So, depending on the contents of your project, if you really need to use different versions of TC with the same project, you can create project suite and projects in the specific version of TC and then add project items as existing ones (via Add | Existing Item... menu command).
  • satya214_1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks Alex for your comments,

    One more clarrification required plz, Is viceversa of what you said is possible with testcomplete? i.e opening a project created in TC 7.5 in TC 6.0. Is this practice supported?


  • Hi,

    There's no way to do this. If you save a project in, for example, TC 7.52, you won't be able to open it in TC 6.