Forum Discussion

kalikoi's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

Flash Listbox Items


am automating a web-application developed in flash.

have a list-box control..i need to fetch the items available in that able to get the count of the items but not each's is my code..

set lbbox=desktop.appletpanelContentapp.canvasSidebar.browserContentBrowsercontent.listitemlist

msgbox(lbbox.ListSeparator)----returns ";"

msgbox(lbbox.ItemCount)----returns "35"

but the script fails at the following


no value returned

when i try to record the same am getting like this

Set list = canvas.browserContentBrowsercontent.listItemlist

Call list.Click(92, 113)

as i cannot use the coordinates as going for "Item" Method..

Earlier help is highly appreciated!!!!


  • Hi kalyan,

    Please let me know which testing approach you are using, so we can try to reproduce the problem. Also, we would appreciate it if you checked whether the issue can be reproduced on a public site, so we could check it.
  • kalikoi's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    am using basic script generated using record and play...i cannot provide you the link right now...because it a web application developed under SSL with confidential credentials..

  • Hi kalyan,

    In this case, we'll need to analyze your project suite along with executions logs - reproduce the problem, pack the folder containing your project suite, and provide us with the archive. You can submit a separate support case, so we can provide you with personalized assistance.