Forum Discussion

ameykhopade's avatar
9 years ago

Getting an error as "There was an attempt to perform an action on a zero-sized window."


I am using Data driven FrameWork created to test the web pages which ises the Object Browser fullname toe perform the action.


and i am trying to perform a click action on the filter button which is 


Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).FindChild("Id","571",100)

"when i try to highlight this object using the object browser it is not showing this.

and in my test when i try to perform a click action on this abject i am getting an error as 

"There was an attempt to perform an action on a zero-sized window. "


"The window size is (14, 0); the screen rectangle: the left top corner is (214, 231), the right bottom corner is (228, 231). Tested object: Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Link(0)"


I am not sure why i am getting this error even though my Findchild worked correctly for other object correctly with no error.

Is it because it is not highlighting the object ?


see the attached image i need to click on the filter icon next to the Name label but unable to click on the filter icon


can you please help me here?



  • baxatob's avatar
    Community Hero

    Can you show the properties of this element: Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Link(0)


    What do you see in the Object Browser? 


    Also I recommend to go through this topic:




    • ameykhopade's avatar

      Do you want any specific property or all the basic properties 


      i am using  Execute(strCommandLine) this command to execute.


      where strCommandLine = call Sys.Browser("iexplore").Page("*").Form("aspnetForm").Panel("divHeaderAndContent").Panel("contentWrapper").Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(2).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Table(0).Cell(0, 0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Panel(0).Link(0).click


      • baxatob's avatar
        Community Hero

        Your target element (Link) has the "Height" property == 0 => "VisibleOnScreen" == False

        This is why TestComplete engine can't interact with it.


        Possible workaround is to interact with its parent element - Panel


        But I bet that this is a kind of application code issue. Can you check CSS code for this kind of element?  Especially its display property.