Forum Discussion

Ganesh3195's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

How Can I Execute The Project Suite Without Opening The Test Complete Tool

I want to execute the project suite without help of test complete tool, I using the Vb script in the script unit and i executed the project in test complete successfully, now i try to execute the project externally (without open the test complete), anyway to achieve this? Please suggests any solution!!!  

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    The short answer: No.


    The longer answer: You can run tests via command line but it still involves running either TestComplete or TestExecute.  Automation code written within TestComplete utilizes a lot of internal objects of the TEstComplete tool including, but no limited to, checkpoints, name mapping, and aq* objects.  The TestComplete tool is not intended to be an IDE to develop a compiled external executable but to be used as a tool to both develop and execute the tests.


    For command line execution, see


    Now, if you want to get REALLY advanced, you can build an application externally in C# or Visual Basic in some other IDE and use TestComplete as a COM server to execute the tests.  But, again, the development of the tests, themselves, are in the TestComplete tool.





    • Ganesh3195's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      But When I Try This Method,

           Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      wshShell.Run("""C:\Program Files\SmartBear\TestComplete 12\Bin\TestComplete.exe"" ""C:\Users\kkr Ganesh\Documents\TestComplete 12 Projects\PYTHON\PYTHON.pjs"" /r /p:NEW /u:python /rt:VariablePartsDemo /e /SilentMode")


      It Also Open The Test Complete Tool. I don't Like to Open the Test Complete tool Any alternate Way to Achieve to execute the project without open the Test COmplete

      • Marsha_R's avatar

        Yes that method will always open TestComplete because you told it to run:

        Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        wshShell.Run("""C:\Program Files\SmartBear\TestComplete 12\Bin\TestComplete.exe"" ""C:\Users\kkr Ganesh\Documents\TestComplete 12 Projects\PYTHON\PYTHON.pjs"" /r /p:NEW /u:python /rt:VariablePartsDemo /e /SilentMode")


        You can use TestExecute to run the tests without the TestComplete UI if you have that license.  

  • Ganesh3195's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Can I Execute The Test Complete Project With help of Test Execute? any solution is there? if, there is solution How do Execute The Project? give some suggestion!!!! because,when i try to execute the test complete it will directly open the Test Complete UI. but ,i don't like to execute the Test Complete in Test Complete UI. That's Why i am Asking for this question
    • shankar_r's avatar
      Community Hero

      TestComplete can be run by using TestComplete and TestExecute.


      If you have installed both TestComplete and TestExecute, when you double click the Project/ProjectSuite file it will automatically opens in TestComplete. If you want to run your suite thru Test Execute then first follow below steps,

      1. Open TestExecute
      2. Right Click > Open... in the TestExecute icon which will be presented in the task tray
      3. Right Click > Run to run the project/project suite.
