Forum Discussion

Kamal_chennai's avatar
9 years ago

How test complete give Priority on unexpected window

Hi All,


In Project properties we have a panel "On unexpected window". There we have some options to do if unexpected window occurs. Also I have created Genaral events for "OnUnexpectedWindow" to do some operation based on my frame work.


Now my question is if unexpected event is triggered then, which will be consider as prior by testcomplete? project properties or general events?


Hope you are all understand my questions :)


Thanks in Advance,


  • Hey Kamal_chennai!


    If you check Ignore unexpected window, it's going to ignore your General Event as well. If your options to "Press Esc/Enter/Send WM Close/Click on focused control" are checked, it's going to do those before running your G.E. If Stop Execution is checked, it's going to run your event function first, then stop the execution. 


    Hope that helps :)

  • Hey Kamal_chennai!


    If you check Ignore unexpected window, it's going to ignore your General Event as well. If your options to "Press Esc/Enter/Send WM Close/Click on focused control" are checked, it's going to do those before running your G.E. If Stop Execution is checked, it's going to run your event function first, then stop the execution. 


    Hope that helps :)