Forum Discussion

thoshima's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

How to test performance of particular screen with Test Complete Tool

Hello All,


I want to check my application screen performace using TestComplete tool, can anyone please tell me on how to Check screen performance with tool, what are the options i need to enable in tool to check this.



  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Consider the aqPerformance object to measure time intervals in TestComplete. Note however, that the result will be not a real performance, but some averaged approximate figure from the end-user point of view without the possibility of the future analysis.

    If you have access to the source code and need to measure performance of application's code you may consider AQTime profiling tool ( that integrates with TestComplete and will provide you with much more detailed result.


    • thoshima's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Actually im new to TestComplete tool and no idea on how to use these objects, can you please be clear

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        Actual implementation depends on your needs and tested application, but some pseudo-code may look like this:

        // Start a time counter
        // Do some actions
        var oChildForm = Aliases.ParentForm.WaitAliasChild('frmOrderChild', 30000);
        if (oChildForm.Exists)
          // Log the elapsed time, in ms
          Log.Message(aqString.Format('It took %ims to open child Order form', aqPerformance.Value()));
          // process error here