Forum Discussion

jcatayong's avatar
7 years ago

I have a licensed testcomplete, can I install test execute without any licensed?

I already have a licensed testcomplete on my workstation, my question is do I need to get a license for test execute if I need to install it?

    • jcatayong's avatar

      So I need to purchase another license for this? If I want a full version.

      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        > So I need to purchase another license for this?

        Yes, correct. TestExecute is a stand-alone product that is licensed separately.

        You can get some saving purchasing Pro Bundle option that includes licenses for TestComplete and TestExecute.


        > If I want a full version.

        If I remember it correctly, TestExecute license includes all modules provided for TestComplete, so you are purchasing just a license and should not worry about the modules. But to be on the safe side you'd better to confirm this with Sales via the form.