Forum Discussion

RL's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Is it possible to wait for a button by default?


i recently changed to Testcomplete14 (from TC12) which seems to be a bit faster than before. I now get several errors during different testruns complaining about "The button 'Name' is [invisible/deactived/etc.]. The action cannot be executed."

The Problem is the control is activated shortly afterwards and it would take hours if not days to set a WaitProperty before every possible control where this can happen.

So my question is: Is it possible to let TC wait for a control to get activated by default for a few seconds before throwing an error? I cannot imagine a scenario where it is necessary not to wait for a control to get activated.

  • Hi,


    I assume that you are working with the desktop application.

    If my guess is correct, then no, I am not aware of such option.

    I think that the reason for this is that it may be expected that control is disabled and thus there is no reason to wait for it to become enabled.