Forum Discussion

RaghdaMorsy's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Is TestComplete compatible with FireFox ?


I'm trying to use TestComplete with FireFox 61.0.1 , but TestComplete is not recognizing the objects on screen .
I applied all the recommendations mentioned in Preparing Firefox for Web Testing , but didn't work :smileysad:
I even tried to install FireFox 59 and also didn't work :smileysad:


And I see the same issue in Chrome !

Any help please !


  • What version of TestComplete are you using?  Currently, TestComplete 12.50 supports up through FireFox 61 as per  


    Likewise, TestComplete 12.50 supports Chrome 67 out of the box... but there is a requirement of having the Chrome extension installed in the browser.  If the extension isn't installed, you won't be able to recognize objects in Chrome.



  • Finally we resolve this . Somehow we miss the following setting in firefox




    we changed it to false. and it work now.




  • Duess's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Is it not recognizing them during recording or playback?  If it is a NameMapping issue then you may need to find what works best for your web application testing. NameMapping itself is great, but it is something that takes time to figure out.  I am still finding better ways to interact with it all the time. 


    You may have to take the approach I did and add NameMapping manually with criteria specific to the way you need the items to be found.


    script out finding the objects using the Find method

    • nisgupta's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      Object Spy is not able to highlight the object. 

      • cunderw's avatar
        Community Hero

        Any object or just a specific object? Can you post a screen shot of object in your object browser? Does this happen on all sites or just one?

    • nisgupta's avatar
      Valued Contributor

      We are also having the same issues . One team memeber  has the Firefox 61.0.1. We did check for updates for firefox patch. We have the check the files as well.


      But it is still not recognizing the objects using Object Spy.




      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        nisgupta wrote:

        We are also having the same issues . One team memeber  has the Firefox 61.0.1. We did check for updates for firefox patch. We have the check the files as well.


        But it is still not recognizing the objects using Object Spy.




        Same question.  What version of TC are you running?  If you're not running TC 12.50, then there is no patch, currently, to support FireFox 61 for older versions of TC.


        If you ARE running TC 12.50, then I'd recommend contacting support directly at

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    What version of TestComplete are you using?  Currently, TestComplete 12.50 supports up through FireFox 61 as per  


    Likewise, TestComplete 12.50 supports Chrome 67 out of the box... but there is a requirement of having the Chrome extension installed in the browser.  If the extension isn't installed, you won't be able to recognize objects in Chrome.



    • nisgupta's avatar
      Valued Contributor



      The problem is solved . One of the team member fail to set up the firefox.


      Thanks again.



    • RaghdaMorsy's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you , I updated TestComplete version from 12.42 to 12.50 , and the problem was solved.
      Sorry for the late reply, because I got a license issue when I updated TestComplete, now everything is solved!
