Forum Discussion

mortenb123's avatar
9 years ago

Jenkins interactive session on win2012se



I'm unable to autostart an interactive session on a win2012se server set up as a TC jenkins slave using java webstart.


I've set up the service

I've also all the other login methods with same result.


It works if I'm logged in via RDC as the user in question as it continues using my session:

[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on JenkinsSlave in workspace c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg

[TestComplete] The test execution started (bpreg-test1/bpreg-test1/bpreg_setup/bpreginit).
[TestComplete] Found TestComplete/TestExecute installations:
	Type: TC, Version: 11.11.1064.7, Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe"
[TestComplete] Selected TestComplete/TestExecute installation:
	Type: TC, Version: 11.11.1064.7, Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe"
[TestComplete] Launching the test runner.
$ C:\cygwin\bin\cygpath -w '"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestCompleteService11.exe"'
$ "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestCompleteService11.exe" //LogonAndExecute //lDomain: "" //lName: "administrator" //lPassword: ******** //lTimeout: "300000" //lUseActiveSession: "true" //lCommandLine: '""C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe" "c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\bpreg-test1.pjs" /run /SilentMode /ForceConversion /ns /exit "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3380885.tclogx" "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3380885.htmlx" "/ErrorLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3380885.txt" "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3380885.mht" /Timeout:120 /project:bpreg-test1 /unit:bpreg_setup /routine:bpreginit"'
[TestComplete] Test runner exit code: 0.
[TestComplete] The test execution finished (bpreg-test1/bpreg-test1/bpreg_setup/bpreginit).


But if I'm not logged in this happens, even if I just exit session without quitting:

[EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
Building remotely on JenkinsSlave in workspace c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg

[TestComplete] The test execution started (bpreg-test1/bpreg-test1/bpreg_setup/bpreginit).
[TestComplete] Found TestComplete/TestExecute installations:
	Type: TC, Version: 11.11.1064.7, Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe"
[TestComplete] Selected TestComplete/TestExecute installation:
	Type: TC, Version: 11.11.1064.7, Path: "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe"
[TestComplete] Launching the test runner.
$ C:\cygwin\bin\cygpath -w '"C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestCompleteService11.exe"'
$ "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestCompleteService11.exe" //LogonAndExecute //lDomain: "" //lName: "administrator" //lPassword: ******** //lTimeout: "300000" //lUseActiveSession: "true" //lCommandLine: '""C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe" "c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\bpreg-test1.pjs" /run /SilentMode /ForceConversion /ns /exit "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3445725.tclogx" "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3445725.htmlx" "/ErrorLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3445725.txt" "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3445725.mht" /Timeout:120 /project:bpreg-test1 /unit:bpreg_setup /routine:bpreginit"'
[TestComplete] Test runner exit code: -10 (Unable to create a user session).


 I've followed the guidelines below:


Are there some 3rd party software that can fix this, this must be a quite common issue. emulating an interactive

session via remote login. all frontend GUI and web must face the same issue.



Morten Bjoernsvik, Buypass AS, Oslo Norway.


  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Mortenb123,


    Your setup looks correct to me. I suggest that you:

    1. Specify the domain name as it’s empty right now.
    2. Double check your login and password.

    Does it change anything?

    • mortenb123's avatar
      $ "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestCompleteService11.exe" //LogonAndExecute //lDomain: "vmbld06it" //lName: "administrator" //lPassword: ******** //lTimeout: "300000" //lUseActiveSession: "true" //lCommandLine: '""C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\bin\TestComplete.exe" "c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\bpreg-test1.pjs" /run /SilentMode /ForceConversion /ns /exit "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3888101.tclogx" "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3888101.htmlx" "/ErrorLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3888101.txt" "/ExportLog:c:\jenkins\workspace\testcomplete bpreg\3888101.mht" /Timeout:120 /project:bpreg-test1 /unit:bpreg_setup /routine:bpreginit"'
      [TestComplete] Test runner exit code: -10 (Unable to create a user session).

      Same error unfortunately.


      Thanks for answering. it is the classic question of keeping a acrive interactive desktop alive.

      Our testExecute server runs from within a win7 pro guest under vmware player. We never stop that RDC session, then

      the errors fails. Unfortunately this server is in another domain and installing vmware player and a separate win7 guest seems like a bit to much.