Forum Discussion

ICE's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Multichannel TIFF images do not load in Picture.LoadFromFile method

We'are trying to do a comparison of a mutichannel TIFF image and the  Picture.LoadFromFile  method is not able to load them.


Is this a known issue/limitation? 

  • Don't know about multichannel TIFF images.  (Do you mean multipage?)


    Does the image compare to itself?  Try attaching an example image along with some sample code,

    • Colin_McCrae's avatar
      Community Hero

      Neither did I. Did a quick google and it looks like they are some sort of layered version of an image? Most of the google hits were people trying to load them into things which didn't like them. Just like this.


      My guess would be they're not supported and you may need to make it a "flat" image of a supported type first.

      • joseph_michaud's avatar

        Well, I downloaded what looked like a multipage TIFF file and did a quick Compare test of itself to a copy and it *seemed* to work...