Forum Discussion

NellySt's avatar
Frequent Visitor
2 years ago

NameMapping file is not updating

Hello, I have an issue regarding NameMapping file update. As it is said at support website, the NameMapping could be updated during test recording.

I record new tests, save the project (without closing it), but NameMapping.tcNM file keeps the old data.


To update NameMapping.tcNM file information I perform one of the actions:

1) I run tests directly after test recording

2) If I don't run the tests, then I close the project and TestComplete asks if I would like to save an updated NameMapping file.

P.S. In Options -> Engines -> Name Mapping I have UNCHECKED checkbox "Update Name Mapping during test run"

P.P.S. I've lost a lot of mapping data because my PC has rebooted during night because of Windows update(((


Do you have the same issue? Is there any way how can I avoid same problem in the future if I simply forget to close the project, even though I saved it?




  • Hi,


    I think that Save Project command saves just changes made to the project file itself (i.e. changes to Test Items, set of project items and the like).

    In order to save changes to NameMapping file I would suggest to either explicitly call Save command for the NameMapping panel or to call the Save All command.

    TestComplete automatically saves all project entities when starting test execution. It also prompts you to save changes on project close.


  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    I think that Save Project command saves just changes made to the project file itself (i.e. changes to Test Items, set of project items and the like).

    In order to save changes to NameMapping file I would suggest to either explicitly call Save command for the NameMapping panel or to call the Save All command.

    TestComplete automatically saves all project entities when starting test execution. It also prompts you to save changes on project close.