Forum Discussion

lphilippe_macau's avatar
10 years ago

Problem Testing Terminal Services



My goal is to test our application under terminal services. To do this I must run the application simoultaneously multyple times on the same terminal services server. 


I want to use the TestComplete Parrallel testing possiblities. The goal is quite simple, I want to run test execute on different sessions on the same machine. 


I have added the same host twice under the network suite hosts and given them different users/passwords so that they could run at the same time. 


But when I try to execute the job, TestComplete gives me an error that both hosts within the job have the same address. This is true, but this is also what I want. I want the same machine to execute under two different sessions of terminal services. 


I don't see a way around this. Please help as our application is oriented towards custormers who have this kind of environment. 




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