Forum Discussion

hrothrock's avatar
7 years ago

properties on objects

How do I get to the properties of an object that only exists while the window is active? I have a search box that opens a panel with search results. I can capture this panel with the object spy but when I click to go to the object browser, the panel I'm looking at goes away because it is no longer active.

  • Just use the information in Object Spy... it's the same as what would show up in Object Browser.  The only thing you are missing is the hierarchal view but that should be visible in the Object Spy window as well as a text string showing the value. 

  • shankar_r's avatar
    Community Hero

    One more option is to record that action and TestComplete automatically capture those objects into your name mapping. you can decide what you want to have in your name mapping

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    When you select the object spy, there's two ways of capturing... first, is the drag and point... that's probably what you're using.  However, there's an option of "point and fix".  If you click on that, you can operate your mouse over your application and then, once the object you want is onscreen and highlighted (outlined in red), ,press Shift-Ctrl-A to capture it. See

    • hrothrock's avatar

      No, I am using the Ctrl-Shift-A. I am capturing it but I can't then click the button in the upper right corner of the Object Spy window to go to the Object Browser because the panel goes away and TestComplete can no longer find it.

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        Just use the information in Object Spy... it's the same as what would show up in Object Browser.  The only thing you are missing is the hierarchal view but that should be visible in the Object Spy window as well as a text string showing the value.