Forum Discussion

Anabelle's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Put a Json in a variable ?

Hi all,

In my keywordTest, I send au request with a json body.


I would like stock this json in a variable because I need to work with it ( retrieve data & modify je the json )


Is it possible ?


Thank you so much for helping

  • Here's an example,

    using JSON to construct the string and to parse

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Here's an example,

    using JSON to construct the string and to parse

  • Anabelle's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Hello, thanks for your helping.


    How I can modify a value in my json ?


    I need to increment 'numeroPrestation' in my json each time the test has to run


    I try to retrieve it and put in a variable but I can't put this variable in my json


    Thanks in advance !



  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    In the example I have shown, I have an object declared as 


    myjson = {
      title: "SmartBear",
      body: "TestComplete",
      userid: 1


    I can modify the value like so,


    myjson.body = "TestExecute"


    and then convert to json, as shown in the example.


    You have to create an object, in order to modify the values. There's plenty of examples on the internet.