Forum Discussion

gdave's avatar
Regular Contributor
7 years ago

Question Around Name Mapping



The name of the item appearing on screen is 'Show Document' which is a MenuItem however in the Object Browser it is named as MenuItem(0). Now, after mapping the item I had changed the of MenuItem(0) to its actual on screen name which is 'Show Document' however my test failed. I have attached the screenashot of the reason from test log.


Is there a way I can sort this out and ensure that the on screen name is mapped to the MenuItem(0) in a way that it gets identified correctly ?

  • Edit the mapping.  You have the Alias correct as "Show_Documents" but you don't need the "Name" property in your criteria.  Remove that property, it has no impact on the Alias.

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    The "Name" property is not "Show Document".  That is the text that appears on screen, but it is not the "Name" property of the object itself.  Technically speaking, you shouldn't be using Name to identify an object.


    Prior to making your edits, were there errors or something happening in your test that prompted the need to change it?  Perhaps we can find a better way of solving your problem.

    • gdave's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      No there weren't any errors as such however what prompted me to take this action was, that elsewhere within our system there are multiple objects which are named as MenuItem(0) so in order for me to make identification easire I thought I'll change the name. Thanks

      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        That's what Aliases are for. :)  So, rename the Alias for the object to be what you want.  There's no need to change the mapping criteria.