Forum Discussion

arvind_dhiman's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Re-usability of Test Complete Scripts


I have recorded a script using test complete tool. When I playback the same it works fine but when I change the application URL/server (while the new server is on same release level and Database too is the same) user is not even able to login to the application.

Please let me know how can I use scripts recorded from one server on another server.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Arvind,


    What is the first error you get in the Test Log? Does TestComplete open the tested page and after that you start getting errors? Please describe in detail what is going on.


  • arvind_dhiman's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

     I got the error "The object does not exist. See Additional Information for details." Test Complete is not able to find the "Text Box" where username will be entered, on clicking the error details it diverts me to this line "Sets the text in the 'textboxTxtlogin' text editor."

    What I have done is:- I have changed the URL which is shown at the very begining of the recorded script but with new changed URL application login page is shown but testcomplete is not able to enter username in the respective field.
  • arvind_dhiman's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Tanya

    Yes I am using keyword test. I have applied the solution suggested but this is also not working. I have attached 2 screen shots of the error.
  • arvind_dhiman's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Is there any work around or solution for the same issue? Please let me know the same it is urgently required else my scripts will not be of any use.