Forum Discussion

vinodkumar_chau's avatar
10 years ago

Reading multiple files using eval

Hi All ,   I have 2 files to be included from commonfiles folder as shown in main(). How do i read both in my include function ?. Please look into this.   function main() { eval(Include("..\\.....
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi Vinod,


    Your reading function looks ok. What issues do you observe?


    BTW, if you want to execute a script file, you can call the Run or Exec method of the WScript.Shell object. For example:

    // JScript
       var file = "c:\\1.js";
       var WshShell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");
       var oExec = WshShell.Exec(file);


  • vinodkumar_chau's avatar
    10 years ago

    Hi Tanya ,


    The Include function have ReadLine() . and i am returning the  ReadLine which is finaly returning the last line read. and thats when it starts giving the sysntax error. So i changed it to ReadAll() and returned the whole content and it started working fine. I also read the content after returning and it is printing correct message.


    function main()
    Log.Message("The value of IDD_TIP is : " + ControlId.IDD_TIP);
    Log.Message("The value of IDIGNORE is :" + WindowsControlId.IDIGNORE);
    function Include(filename)
    var forReading = 1;
    var fileContent;
    var objFile = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var readFile = objFile.OpenTextFile(filename, forReading);
    fileContent = readFile.ReadAll();
    return fileContent;
    } // End Include()