Forum Discussion

rmnrdi's avatar
7 years ago

Regression testing conundrum

Our company wants to do regression testing across builds. The way we update our software, there's no possibility of rollback and there's no way to have two versions running on the same system.


So the problem is, we only have one shot to do a regression test, unless I set up a disk image and return it to a certain state. This doesn't seem optimal.


I was thinking of having two virtual machines loaded on a single machine, one with the current build, and the other with the next build. This way I can test across builds multiple times and not just once.


Does anyone else do it this way, or is there a better direction?




  • That sounds reasonable and will also let you keep more than 2 versions if you have the space.  We don't do rollbacks either, but we frequently have to test on old versions because that's what the customers have and we use vms to store everything.

    • rmnrdi's avatar

      How does that work with TC? Do you have separate instances on each VM?

      • Marsha_R's avatar

        Yes, we installed TC on each VM.  Your licenses are counted when you're running the product so having it installed wherever you need it isn't an issue.