Forum Discussion

marroth_ds's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Running specific tests in TE

Is there a way to run specific tests with TestExecute? (Instead of running ALL tests)

I've read but seeing as that is a question from 2011, I was wondering if there is any other way than using BAT files or multiple .mds files to achieve this.

Any answer is appreciated, even a no!

Please post something, thanks.

  • Hi Martin,

    > You see the problem with both command lines and multiple project files is the fact that you can't change the parameters of the tests you run (as far as I know).

    Why not? You can pass whatever additional parameters in the command line and process them using the ParamStr and ParamCount built-in functions. (Remarks paragraph)

    Or I did not get the problem/question correctly?
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Martin,

    > You see the problem with both command lines and multiple project files is the fact that you can't change the parameters of the tests you run (as far as I know).

    Why not? You can pass whatever additional parameters in the command line and process them using the ParamStr and ParamCount built-in functions. (Remarks paragraph)

    Or I did not get the problem/question correctly?
  • marroth_ds's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Alexei, you're as fast as ever! :)

    That is basically a more simple way to run a specific test with a command line, as far as I can tell. What I'm looking for is another way to do it entirely.

    You see the problem with both command lines and multiple project files is the fact that you can't change the parameters of the tests you run (as far as I know).

    Reading the parameters from an Excel file is a solution, but is that really the best way to handle this problem?